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on 2024-04-09
 Re: Mouse Extension v1.0


#Sid card side:

Can You test it on Your ReSeed?

this : reseedtestmou.prg

I correct a lot of little things. restructured part of code..
I tested with CAE in solder emulation mode.
(It works in yape too, but the Y coordinate is changed in yape)

#ACIA side:
I don't have any idea what is the problem. in the acia expansion on c16

I tested it more than 1 plus4.
I can't use any ACIA detection just the initialisation..

aciaInit LDA #$00 ; Init the acia chip for serial mosuse 7bit + 1stopbit, incoming
STA .aciastatus
LDA #$01 ; 05 volt régen, de az akkor kell, ha küldünk is
STA .aciacommand
LDA #$38
STA .aciacontrol

And after just waiting the incoming bytes.. in the interrupt

LDA #$80
BIT .aciastatus ; check acia interrupt (bejövő RS232 egér adat)
BPL contx
; egér bájtot berakni a saját pufferünkbe
addPuffer LDA .aciadata ; ACIA INCOMING BYTE
LDY .pufferstart
CPY #$09 ; pufferlength
BPL contx ; ha a pufferstart kisebb vagy egyenlő pufferlength-nél, akkor nem tesszük le
STY .pufferstart
STA .pufferstart,y ; save to puffer

Nothing else..
So I don't have any idea, what is the problem in my code.. Why is not working with the 16up. If you have Tell me..

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