Posted By
 Haplo on 2024-03-15 04:30:48
| New Commodore Plus/4 game: Binary Battle!
Hi all,
I am pleased to announce that the Plus/4 port of Binary Battle is ready:
Binary Battle is a novel take on the dungeon crawler genre, in which go through the depths of five levels of your disk, kill viruses, upgrade your powers, collect coins and spend them on upgrades, find keys to the encrypted chests and find the exit to the next level.

You have just woken up to find out your floppy disk is full of viruses! Unfortunately, it contains the only copy source code of the game you have been working on in the past months...
Recover the source code before the disk is damaged beyond repair! Luckily, you have an excellent antivirus program, Binary Battle, at your disposal. Use it to destroy all the viruses before it is too late.

Your disk has limited health, which decreases as the viruses attack. Also, each action generates heat, and if your drive overheats, your disk slowly takes damage.

The downloadable archive below contains the user manual in English and Spanish. The manual is designed to resemble the 1980s software manuals.
I hope you will enjoy it! |
Posted By
 Luca on 2024-03-15 07:17:51
 | Re: New Commodore Plus/4 game: Binary Battle!
Getting busy in order to add this game into the archive, I've had just one round to it (have to learn how to recover once loaded by items yet, probably you can't do it during a battle...) and have to say that this is the most original game I've seen since years, congratulations! Happy to see a new prod by you with a dedicated TED tune, I get the chance to annoy you with two unrequested suggestions: - purge your release disk of unwanted *DEL file: they can be normally seen, but they steal space after an eventual ZIPping; - the Plus/4 has mouse support too via the joystick port mounted on the very common SIDcard. |
Posted By
 MMS on 2024-03-15 20:38:19
 | Re: New Commodore Plus/4 game: Binary Battle!
@Haplo What a great game idea! Wow!
This GUI is insane good  I tried to tinker such a GUI mockup but your one is definetely better designed. Congrats!
Posted By
 Haplo on 2024-03-16 04:02:07
| Re: New Commodore Plus/4 game: Binary Battle!
Thanks, I'm glad you liked the game!
@Luca: 1- Do you mean the cosmetic DEL files inside the .D64? What compressing are you referring to? 2- Yes, Csabo also told me about it. I'm intending to release an updated version in the future with mouse support. I have to get my head around it first.
@MMS: The GUI itself was designed by me, inspired by GEOS. The elements were designed by Andy Johns who is a veteran of the gaming industry and really good at what he does. |
Posted By
 Luca on 2024-03-16 04:38:49
 | Re: New Commodore Plus/4 game: Binary Battle!
@Haplo: I mean this.
Posted By
 Litwr on 2024-03-16 04:43:16
| Re: New Commodore Plus/4 game: Binary Battle!
I agree with @Luca that the mouse support will be a great thing for the +4. However I am not sure if emulators can simulate a mouse connected to the SID card. |
Posted By
 Haplo on 2024-03-16 04:52:46
| Re: New Commodore Plus/4 game: Binary Battle!
@Luca: Thanks. I have updated the binary on my page. |
Posted By
 Luca on 2024-03-16 04:52:12
 | Re: New Commodore Plus/4 game: Binary Battle!
@Litwr of course they can, YAPE boasts this feature since years.
EDIT: and yes, finally! Pretty fine lil'game indeed. A nice touch I would like to see, is a final score – for the joy of the HoF challengers – derived by an algorhythm capable to compute in the fairest way possible the data about attack, defence, (time?), items picked and coins left in one big ultimate score.
Posted By
 Haplo on 2024-03-17 07:39:57
| Re: New Commodore Plus/4 game: Binary Battle!
Great job! I can't easily beat it myself. Getting to level 4 is not that hard but the final levels needs a lot of skills and careful planning.
And thanks for the suggestion about a final score; let me have a think about it. |
Posted By
 Lavina on 2024-03-17 07:51:41
 | Re: New Commodore Plus/4 game: Binary Battle!
Very original idea and really neat implementation. Congrats! |
Posted By
 Luca on 2024-03-17 10:55:41
 | Re: New Commodore Plus/4 game: Binary Battle!
(Communication on the fringes for all users: do you like something? Then cast a vote: the author collects a tangible sign of interest that moves him to do better and new stuff ) |
Posted By
 Murphy on 2024-03-17 13:26:14
| Re: New Commodore Plus/4 game: Binary Battle!
An original idea presented very nicely. Congratulations! |
Posted By
 Mad on 2024-04-15 03:00:34
| Re: New Commodore Plus/4 game: Binary Battle!
Very nice looking! Cool that you did that and reached that level of quality. |