Charity Calendar 2024! Neil from the RMCRetro Channel has chosen George's picture for his Charity Calendar 2024. This is a great honor for the whole Commodore Plus/4 community. The main theme for the calendar is Big-Box games. Please support his charity project for preschool children!
The calendar can be ordered here. The price includes shipping and a signature version can also be ordered.
Re: Charity Calendar 2024! Awesome, looks good enough to eat..., I mean it looks very high quality as if it was done for a book or magazine! Congrats to you!
Re: Charity Calendar 2024! Thank you for the good words!
The main theme of the calendar was "Big-Box" games and at first i personally asked Neil if we can expand the theme to Big-Box Productivity-Software, since there are not many big box games around for the plus/4. Then i remembered the Infocom games which are also availabled for other systems and hoped to get a chance for the Plus/4 to make it one of the 12 apostles into the retro world. I am sure Neil got hundreds of entries.
This is a great year for the plus/4 by the way. The plus/4 also got on the main title of "Pixel Addict" magazine (link)"! And "The Empire strikes back" comparison video (vs. C64) (link) got over 12k views and many positive comments so far.
Here is the original picture i sent for the interested:
Re: Charity Calendar 2024! Off topic, but oh gosh... I often talk about "keeping names consistent", I just noticed that on the calendar, they printer their channel name as "RMCretro". Everywhere else (including on the channel itself) it's RMCRetro. I prefer the latter one, my brain parses it as "RMC - Retro", whereas the first one looks like "RM - Cretro". It's the little things, people!... How hard it is to keep your own channel's name consistent