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on 2023-03-31
 MineDetector Madness

Dear Commodore Plus/4 Enthusiasts,

While I was developing my universal engine (Charlemagne) during the end of the last year and the start of the new one, I created a simple game in the 3D world as a test of the engine:

I have already wanted to create something on Commodore Plus/4 for a long time. I was thinking about drawing on the graphical screen in assembly: I managed to put a pixel then draw a line with bresenham-algorithm which was caused me some trouble and took some time to be passed, in the end my line-drawing was a bit faster than the BASIC version. In the past I had found a circle-drawing algorithm in one of the Plus4World forum topics that is much faster than any other one. Thanks!

Naturally I started to play with sin and cos, too. Yes they are pre-calculated.

Regarding to the music, I tried to implement Popcorn, The Blue Danube Waltz, Für Elise, but as Rachy said in his Hungarian blog, these musics are so tweet-peep-chip using TED and so annoying during game play. Well, I selected a vocalic and less annoying melody that I wrote in ZackZack of LUMYDCTT from "Csupa Szuper Játék" book. You can mute it of course by M-key and change to sound fx or vica verza.

I used an own mixed RND generator, but the idea is from Csabo. Thanks! And I was very curious about how I could make the background logic of MineSweeper. Instead of using recursive-function, I did it with a LIFO stack...

...but if you are interested in it, please visit my homepage(http://www.charlemagne.hu)...

Have a good time.
Posted By

on 2023-03-31
 Re: MineDetector Madness

It's a little rough around the edges, but still neat!

Room for improvement:
- selecting level size and number of mines with POKEs is not very nice or user friendly. It does not remember the values between plays (if a player wants to re-try a smaller, all values have to be manually re-entered).
- when playing smaller sizes, showing the board size (borders) would be helpful, not to mention having the board centered on screen.
- there's no "congrats" :-/ There isn't even detection of the player winning the game, which should occur when all non-mine tiles have been uncovered (regardless of flags).
- this probably didn't need to be disk only, for such a small, simple game, a single file PRG would have been better.
- the title screen says "Mine Detector", not "MineDetector" grin

Nevertheless, it's still a neat game as I mentioned, congrats for another release!
Posted By

on 2023-03-31
 Re: MineDetector Madness

MineSweeper is among my best games so I have tried it but I am a bit disappointed: no highscore, keyboard control is oversensitive, M doesn't turn rather annoying music off, no key to open all surrounded cells, no any indicators. sad I am waiting the next improved release.
Posted By

on 2023-04-06
 Re: MineDetector Madness

WoW, three men gave it a try, this is my new record... happy ...besides me...

First of all, I want to thank Luca to put it to the "mainstream" or history line. But he made a little mistake too: this game is made in full assembly, so the code type is not correct. (perhaps the first line which consists of a SYS command happy similar to any other one)

Csabo: thank you for writing down everything what I knew... happy What's more... you forgot to mention that the active cell was very hard to be noticed! In turn, I would like to react your remarks in short.

1.: if I did not write these POKEs on the screen when you press "ESC"(0), you could not have known anything about it... happy It is only a possibility not more, so I want to show it to who would like to try their luck. No-no-no, you need not re-entered all values, only run the program with that SYS in front of you, if you want to play with the same settings again.

2.: Borders, centered, congrats, etc. are only a time-consuming and boring fine-tuning, I am not a designer. Nevertheless, you are right.

3.: The game would be so easy when you win the game in that case you should not put down any flags, only step anywhere and the CPU plays without you, nonsense! happy

4.: Yes, but I want to use the memory part of the graphics screen beneficially after graphics intro. Not mention the little "gag": CHARLEMAGNE PRESENTS MINEDETECTOR in the DIRECTORY

5.: MineDetector or Mine Detector, never mind happy

Please do not forget this game is also a Charlemagne version, not the exact copy of the original... happy

Litwr: I read your comment more times, but I did not understand all parts of it. So let's have a closer look... ...hmmm...

1.: If you like this type of game, why I cannot see any minesweeper clone on your release list? happy

2.: Hiscore? Please plays the 3D version in Windows, Linux or MacOS, that version handles unique hiscore lists for each size of minefields that you set as parameters, if you really like this type of games... happy

3.: If you realized that the keyboard (and joystick) control is oversensitive why you did not turn off the music by M? I am a bit disappointed: just you who made a plus4 emulator do not know that this computer has not got neither Sound Blaster nor Gravis UltraSound, moreover no Paula chip... happy I also like TED musics because this calls back my childhood and sure I am not the only one walking in the same shoes.

4.: No key to open cells and no any indicators? Hmmm, when you run the game, you can see the "intro" where print some text on the screen, for example: ENTER to open the cells, F as Flag indicator. You seem to be so flustered... happy

Don't worry, be happy! happy

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