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Posted By

on 2023-01-18
 Is this PRG corrupt?

I am rebuilding 'AMERICAN 4' disk from ICPUG and I am down to 3 programs.

One of these programs is called 'RUNWAY.PRG' a type of flight simulator. It runs but does not display properly on the screen.

- Runway (poss RUNWAY.1)
- By Ken Arsenault II 4/19/85
- C-16 & +4 Users Group

The disk it came of is damage (very old) and if it is ok I can move on the other 2 programs to see if i can recover them of the disk by re-hammering them until I get a good copy.

Basically, is it an issue with emulators or the PRG?


If anyone can help that would be appreciated.

Posted By

on 2023-01-17
 Re: Is this PRG corrupt?

Maybe it was saved wrong with a starting address of $1000 instead of $1001, try loading it in the machine code monitor with L"(file name)",8
Posted By

on 2023-01-17
 Re: Is this PRG corrupt?

It seems to be running fine. The only issue I see is in line 50, which sets color 3 to black. Since the background is also black, this won't be visible. Change the "COLOR 3,1" to "COLOR 3,2" and that fixes the color issue. Could be a typo, or a single damaged bit on the disk.
Posted By

on 2023-01-18
 Re: Is this PRG corrupt?

thanks for the help and sorry the delay I did not get the email notification.

If I make the changes Csabo recommends, the game seems to work, not quite sure how to land the plane.

I think it is most likely a typo in the software but I will try and capture it a couple more times just to make sure.

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