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on 2022-12-23
 Dizzy Three and a Half!

Dizzy Three and a Half screenshotThe Christmas miracles continue: Ulysses777 is back to gift us a Plus/4 special: Dizzy Three and a Half! Another piece of the Dizzy series has been faithfully converted to the Plus/4; and this one comes with AY music.

This short adventure is meant to be a teaser for Dizzy 4 (Magicland Dizzy), and should be relatively easy to complete for anyone. Give it a try, it's a nice diversion, and big thanks to Ulysses777 for porting it!
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on 2022-12-24
 Re: Dizzy Three and a Half!

I'll have a look asap but loving those monochrome graphics in the screen shots!!
Nice one and cheers! happy
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on 2022-12-24
 Re: Dizzy Three and a Half!

Great!!! Christmas time!! <3

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