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on 2022-10-12
 Weihnachten auf dem Commodore (Christmas with the Commodore): ZeHa needs listings for 2022!

You have heard from the "Weihnachten auf dem Commodore"-Magazine where listings are printed with christmas in mind to be typed into your Commodore between christmas and new years day to make the feeling come alive we all have had in the 1980th when we got our first 8-Bit-System?

Weihnachten auf dem Commodore 1
Weihnachten auf dem Commodore 2
Weihnachten auf dem Commodore 3

Well, ZeHa collects listings now for the 5th issue (the 4th had no BASIC 3.5 compatible listing!) until the end of November. So if you have an idea with Christmas in mind for a short game, graphic or music (or all that together) in a BASIC-program (the best is without Peek/Poke and machine code subroutines) than start to code in order to show how much more is possible with BASIC 3.5 instead of 2.0.

The best programmes will be the ones - in my opinion - that are made for BASIC 3.5 but also run on BASIC 7.0 (C128), BASIC 10 (C65/MEGA65) and even the C64 with this upgrade running:


Well, the process will be discussed here (in German):


And the right destination for your listings will be the e-mail-adress from ZeHa:

Posted By

on 2022-11-05
 Re: Weihnachten auf dem Commodore (Christmas with the Commodore): ZeHa needs listings for 2022!

There was really no one here to take part with a small, christmas themed, BASIC 3.5 listing for ZeHas fifth issue in 2022? :,-(

Wouldn't it be nice to see "plus/4" on the yellow triangle too, down on the right side of the upcoming magazine this year? :-)

The deadline for entries will be mid to late November!
Posted By

on 2022-11-06
 Re: Weihnachten auf dem Commodore (Christmas with the Commodore): ZeHa needs listings for 2022!

I did a BASIC listing 6 years ago. It would need updating. It runs on most 8 bit C= computers if you do load,8 instead of load,8,1. It takes 4kb.

BTW to register in forum64 you need an invitation, even if they hold the mega65 forum which is international. And even if you got a Mega65 you don't receive an invitation.
Posted By

on 2023-10-10
 Re: Weihnachten auf dem Commodore (Christmas with the Commodore): ZeHa needs listings for 2022!

ZeHa again collects BASIC-listings for the 2023 issue until end of November ... so, in case you have something with Christmas in mind that could be made in BASIC 3.5 just send him in the file (and this time it hopefully will be published).


PS: He said before that the issue this year will be a kind of special (bigger? better? a real book? I don't know exactly).
Posted By

on 2023-11-22
 Re: Weihnachten auf dem Commodore (Christmas with the Commodore): ZeHa needs listings for 2022!

Thank you for the information!
Yeah, BASIC 3.5 is nice, and provides a lot of useful commands to make some fancy stuff.

I will think about some small stuff, maybe a small GFX drawn by the computer. Probably I will miss the music, because I do not want to shock the people with my nonexisting music writing capabilities, esp. on TED. happy

Update: work just started :-)


First version is ready, though some finetuning is possible.
I am considering to add a small tune (music) to it, but the routines I tried were not so great. It would be nice to add just to show, how easy to play music on +4 (I think it will not fit into 16KB due to gfx mode usage), but still I failed to present it :-).


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