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on 2022-07-14
 Lykia - the Lost Island

LykiaLykia - The Lost Island - is an epic quest for the expanded C16 + Plus/4 and the C64 that spans 4 disk-sides! Apart from the impressive cinematic intro and outro sequences, Lykia - The Lost Island offers a large, lively and freely explorable game world consisting of 580 screens spread over 2 continents. 10-20 hours playing time for the average player. This world is inhabited by over 40 interactive characters, all woven into the story in their own personal way (with about 2000 lines of dialogue text). In addition, there are 37 items with different functions, day and night modes, as well as an integrated help system and the possibility to save the game state. All this is crowned by 25 outstanding music tracks each by Markus "c0zmo" Jentsch (C64) and Ronny "5tarbuck" Doll (Plus/4). The models are unmistakable: Lykia - The Lost Island is of course also a loving bow to the masterpieces of Shigeru Miyamoto. However, the game does not try to copy Zelda one-to-one. Lykia is an adventure game, but not necessarily an action game. The pacing is calmer and there is more emphasis on characters, story and puzzles than on combat. There are also elements and quotes from point-and-click adventure games.

The free version is available now here, and the boxed releases will be available very soon at the Psytronik's webshop.
Posted By

on 2022-07-16
 Re: Lykia - the Lost Island

People are playing it, the YouTube videos keep popping up happy

Ramokromok: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=luRdg-mg_Qk
Goetholon: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jI8sxtQUu-Y
emulaThor (comparison video): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fcZiDn3fxh8
Xahmol: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hi409RMXZwE

(Though of course the very best video was this playthrough of the Prologue. Worth watching, thank you Valis77!)
Posted By

on 2022-07-17
 Re: Lykia - the Lost Island

Guys, all my due respect, this is truly amazing. The cutscenes are also awesome, we have never had such an epic release on the Plus/4..!
And finally a title where the +4 version is superior to the C64 :) :)

Thank You!!
Posted By

on 2022-07-18
 Re: Lykia - the Lost Island

If I consider the huge improvements of quality (which seems impossible for me) from release to release of these authors (especially Mad, of course), I wonder where can this lead. I mean seriously. What's next?????? I cannot comprehend this pace. Highest respect.
Posted By

on 2022-07-18
 Re: Lykia - the Lost Island

"And finally a title where the +4 version is superior to the C64"

When something only comes down to the colors... Oh man the colors! Poor C64 guys wink
Posted By

on 2022-07-19
 Re: Lykia - the Lost Island

This is probably the most beautiful Plus/4 game I've ever seen - and yeah the +4 version looks so much better than the C64

Imagine if contemporary +4 games were like this ?
Posted By

on 2022-07-19
 Re: Lykia - the Lost Island

I know what you mean, and there's no denying that the graphics in Lykia is gorgeous, though I feel like I have to speak up on behalf of some old games.

Run (let's say) Mission Mars and Tom Thumb next to one another. One is... crap, the other's a unique beloved classic that people still pick up to play, and the game pushes the capabilities of the C16. The size of the game map is nearly unparalleled! (I picked those two since they are both - incredibly - commercial games from 1985, though if Tom is not your cup of tea, any other Udo game would do. They are still from the same era.)

If all C16 games had the quality of Udo's games... We would have been a lot happier! happy

(Apologies for going off on a tangent.)
Posted By

on 2022-07-19
 Re: Lykia - the Lost Island

Absolutely beautiful!
Posted By

on 2022-07-19
 Re: Lykia - the Lost Island

A true masterpiece! Well done!
Posted By

on 2022-07-19
 Re: Lykia - the Lost Island

I've had a chance to a sneak preview and I was amazed by this tremendous effort! Well done folks.
Posted By

on 2022-07-19
 Re: Lykia - the Lost Island

Awesome achievement guys and very well done!! happy
Posted By

on 2022-07-25
 Re: Lykia - the Lost Island

I'm speechless at how good this looks and plays! Hats off to the team that made it!
Posted By

on 2022-07-27
 Re: Lykia - the Lost Island

Does the C64 one also use FLI? Just out of curiosity..
Btw all respect to the composers of the TED soundtrack, but with SID support the +4 version is just simply breathtaking and indeed ways better than the 64 version.
Now I just need to find out why Yape was not saving my progress back to the disk happy
Posted By

on 2022-07-27
 Re: Lykia - the Lost Island

@Charles: Sprites wouldn't have worked out with FLI (due to several limiting reasons), so it's normal bitmap graphics mode + sprites.

@All: Thanks for being here on plus4world and doing stuff! Without plus4world (and the guys of plus4world) the game would not have been possible. I mean for instance converting Bitfire to plus/4 and adding support for around 250 files on a single disc, saving routines, or the Sd2iec support, Sidekick264 support, Hannes support, Dfli, Yape, Plus4emu, Knaecketracker, Sampling docs, UltimateMap1.9 etc.. etc.. Thanks a lot to you guys for beeing here!

Actually I got a problem currently.. We want to release a version with some fixes.. However we got one report of a bug with the Lotharek512kb "6502 plus 4". If anyone, who owns a Hannes compatible expansion and Sd2iec, may help in finding or even confirming the bug, I would be majorly thankful. I currently have no idea what this bug is about and it could just be that it is because of a faulty memory expansion, or some problems with the Sd2iec support. Maybe one of you guys owns one of the precious memory expansions and is able to help us with finding / eliminating this bug? We really need your help, and if it's possible for you, please pm me..

Anyhow, great to see you guys active..
Posted By

on 2022-08-01
 Re: Lykia - the Lost Island

Really excited to play this, but I'm having a heck of a time trying to transfer it to play on real hardware. Is the Plus/4 D64 version incompatible with the 1571 disk drive? I believe the 1571 powers on in 1541 emulation mode on a Plus/4.

The SD2IEC version appears to be working on my uIEC/SD but I *really* need the save option because I suck at games! happy
Posted By

on 2022-08-02
 Re: Lykia - the Lost Island

I got it working! A user on Lemon64 suggested using nibtools and it had no problems. I am truly amazed that the 1571 can write a D64 in 23 seconds.
Posted By

on 2022-08-22
 Re: Lykia - the Lost Island

Guys, can someone please advise how saving the game progress is supposed to work?
I tried to play with the normal disk version (w SID support) using YAPE and 1551 (CPU) emulation, it works like charm, but every time I need to restart from the beginning ("Wake up Nora!"), YAPE does not even detect changes to the disk when I change them. I would appreciate some help..
Posted By

on 2022-08-23
 Re: Lykia - the Lost Island

@Charles if you're using the 1.2.1 last version I suggest to activate the very useful option in /Settings/Advanced settings called "Prompt before writing back disk changes". When this option is on, YAPE asks if you wanna update your attached disk ora not every time the disk itself gonna be detached or the before the emulator's shut down.
Posted By

on 2022-08-23
 Re: Lykia - the Lost Island

@Luca, I have 1.2, with the same option turned on (anyway will update to the latest ver right now).
The problem is seemingly Lykia does not even try to modify the disk image. That's why I am asking how saving is supposed to work.
Posted By

on 2022-08-24
 Re: Lykia - the Lost Island

@Charles ok, so I got back to the game to test both TED and SID versions, and they work to me. Mmmh, what can be happened?
Posted By

on 2022-08-27
 Re: Lykia - the Lost Island

Hello folks!

The common misconception about saving is that it appears to be meant to save immediately. We didn't put this in the txt file, but you need to consult Gomez to save the games state. He will secretly follow you throughout the game. But you must first solve the first quest in Lykia to activate Gomez. I'm sorry that wasn't clear from the start.

The commercial version will come with a big manual mentioning this fact (of course).

I am currently "banned" from programming the game for religious reasons. Therefore, no troubleshooting is currently possible :/.

There is a big bug with Lotharek512k memory extensions that will be fixed in about 4 weeks at the earliest. Please be patient, the Lotharek stuff wasn't easy to spot and in fact it's already fixed, but still needs some iterations. Hannes 256k may (or should) work as expected.

All the best and keep rocking!!

(There are already some longplays of the game on youtube in case you got stuck somewhere.. Luca solved the game from scratch in about 8 hours.. happy Which I thought was impossible.. )

Have a great day + week!!
Posted By

on 2022-08-29
 Re: Lykia - the Lost Island

Yeah, Thanks @Mad,
BSZ already advised this to me so I also Googled it, but indeed, this should be mentioned in the game notes imho, it's far from being obvious. happy
And I hope those religious concerns will be alleviated soon and you won't be cruicified. happy
Posted By

on 2022-09-14
 Re: Lykia - the Lost Island

We have just uploaded v1.3 of Lykia. We are now starting to prepare for the commercial versions. siz helped to fix the Lotharek512k support again, which was broken in the last versions, thanks for that! Other than that, version 1.3 only has a few small bug fixes added, nothing majorly wrong anymore. Hope you guys had a good summer this year with lots of sun.., aeh coding..!!
Posted By

on 2022-09-14
 Re: Lykia - the Lost Island

Go on Mad, I'm obviously gonna be the first in the list to purchase the game and play it again!
Posted By

on 2022-09-14
 Re: Lykia - the Lost Island

Alright!!! Kenz just said that from October 1 it will be possible to pre-order the game from Psytronik. We'll do our best to get everything done in time, and hope we'll be successful with that...
Posted By

on 2022-11-06
 Re: Lykia - the Lost Island

Probably the authors are taken away due other RL things, but have to announce that the pre-orders for the very rich commercial release of Lykia - The Lost Island got started few dozens hours ago, HERE.
Posted By

on 2023-11-20
 Re: Lykia - the Lost Island

@Luca: Thanks for posting..

So yeah pre orders for Lykia - The Lost Island are now open..

If you buy it you'll also get some weird addons like Windows YapeSDL and Linux YapeSDL standalone versions of the game (TED / SIDCARD) and some additional content as well as the C64 versions.. All included in the additional zip.. We also got an SD2IEC version working which doesn't require any "disc change" at all (around 500 files didn't fit on a single d81)...

I know Lykia is pretty expensive, but, yeah, hope you'll enjoy the final game in this or even that way..

Seems like Lykia is up again at Psytronik. I just viewed the Psytronik shop some days ago..

And here the original intro movie sequence from youtube: (with Barbara Palvin so to say) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_3VKEDcFztk
Posted By

on 2024-03-24
 Re: Lykia - the Lost Island

14 giant and super clear maps! Haegar/SYN has completed the editing of the complete mapping to be used for a sure stroll into the Lykia - The Lost Island's world.
Posted By

on 2024-03-25
 Re: Lykia - the Lost Island

The maps are good! The places are familiar... happy Maybe have I played with it too much? grin

Thank you Haegar!
Posted By

on 2024-03-26
 Re: Lykia - the Lost Island

I played the game in December last year and was able to finalize the maps now. Please give a short feedback if something is wrong or missing.
For me, Lykia the lost Island is the best adventure I know on the Plus4. It was a lot of fun solving the puzzles.
Posted By

on 2024-04-03
 Re: Lykia - the Lost Island

Cool Haegar!! happy
Posted By

on 2024-10-27
 Re: Lykia - the Lost Island

Lykia - The Lost Island (2022)
My humble review of this masterpiece of RPG.

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