Posted By
MIK on 2022-02-25 07:02:12
| Re: When dreams become real: Black wireless Tank Mouse (for the SID-Card and our plus/4)
Used and lovingly abused but never did I mouse Rage them across the room lol. Top of the list as a game to blame would be Dungeon Master, it was heavy on the old mice with 4 characters to fully manage for hours at a time.
If the microswitches lasted then the rollers would start to breakdown so it would stop being smooth and I hated that. Or the slide pads would wear down on one side and I had to take ones off another mice to keep my current fav one going.
I think by the late 90's mice were better and lasted longer. Other than cleaning the rollers that black mouse has out lived every other mouse I used to have on Amga. Better microswitches and like cars of the day the rollers didn't rust any more.
The only thing that might be an issue with a modern optic mouse... Amiga's like 400dpi mice. PC mice tend to be 800dpi or above.