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on 2022-01-19
 Who Dares Wins II +4M [PAL/NTSC]

There must be something in the water this month as we have a few people playing Run & Gun games. Csabo is playing C16 Ikari Warriors, I'm playing C64 Ikari Warriors wishing we had something this good on Plus/4 and now Luca has kindly updated Who Dares Wins II.happy

Cheers Luca, I've not had the chance to test it yet but that much need speed boost sounds awesome! grin

Grab your copy from here: Who Dares Wins II Plus4M PALNTSC
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on 2022-01-19
 Re: Who Dares Wins II +4M [PAL/NTSC]

Thank you @MIK, actually the 3 levels of boost make it even awkward to play grin I did this crack mainly because the game, apart the mediocre quality overall and the "debatable" code behind, can't be seriously judged due the horrible lacking of an IRQ handling while the title tune plays: you always must listen to the entire damn music! grin Had to fix that, I said...

After that, as many times happens, one knows more about the game by "living with it for few days", and discovers some other curiosities about, like the hires assigning to some bits of graphics – a weird decision probably taken in order to reduce the color clashes with the sprites due one missing color to set – and the fact that the levels are actually designed to make you fall into craters and into water...but the game doesn't perform that! (see the note here...).

I periodically try to beat your score at Ikari Warriors and I regularly fail my mission! mad To achieve your score, I am sure you've bombed some bases which are usually involved into some selfbombing by the opponents themseves, so one should run to bomb it before they came, but it's quite a difficult task!
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on 2022-01-19
 Re: Who Dares Wins II +4M [PAL/NTSC]

Nice release with quality of life improvements happy
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on 2022-01-19
 Re: Who Dares Wins II +4M [PAL/NTSC]

@Luca I never added that score to C16 Ikari Warriors, someone else did so officially your score is #1. The game is not worth the effort you have put into it. I rushed that video out with just one play having not played it in years. This does not mean I good, it means the game doesn't offer much in the way of challenge. C16 Ikari Warriors is more a demo than a game. sad

It would be interesting to see if the screen size of GunLaw could be made bigger, hoping it would automatically allow a 4th enemy on screen. The game is fast any way so if we get lucky a 4th enemy on screen could be fun?
Posted By

on 2022-01-20
 Re: Who Dares Wins II +4M [PAL/NTSC]

Luca: I like your sin/cos smooth scroll very much. It seems... There are something to learn for me.
Posted By

on 2022-01-20
 Re: Who Dares Wins II +4M [PAL/NTSC]

@Charlemagne: thank you bud, that crack intro aims to fit into 16kB altogether with the game, so there are cheap tricks and memory saving choices everywhere (even the music player is a very clever cutoff version originally made by Csabo which allows to have a decent tune within $400 bytes!), the DYCP fits good and occupies a large slice of the screen.

Although you spent some sweet words about me, I have to say that I'm not exactly the one to follow happy I'm a mediocre, slow and limited "coder" (ahah!) overall, and I am happy to vanish into this scene of very skilled guys who recently literally have shone due of their productions (and unfortunately, it's quite a difficult period of my life and this reduces the useful time to spend into that). For example, I have a code to move a simple fullscreen twister which simply would require to seek for a $ff1e precise init and then it should simply pick up the right $ff1a/$ff1b/$ff1f values at the right time scanline per scanline...well, it has never worked with video sync...in YEARS! grin Basically it's a FPP with the table of a plasma, but probably ain't able enouh to handle the badlines involved...how frustrating mad
Posted By

on 2022-01-25
 Re: Who Dares Wins II +4M [PAL/NTSC]

Luca: If you are "only" a mediocre, etc, then I am under a frog's ass... happy And... If you don't feel yourself enough to find out of your mentioned problem (FPP) why don't you ask for one of the very skilled genius living here in order to help you? happy p.s.: I prefer solving a problem myself to handling this to others. The explanation is very simple, because I like searching, learning new things by myself. This is a kind of treasure hunting.
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on 2022-01-25
 Re: Who Dares Wins II +4M [PAL/NTSC]

@Charlemagne: aaah that's because I't my fault, I tried to handle badlines with something short and simple like a loop...but one can't handle'em in a mix with the "normal" lines that way, one really has to define the cycles line per line from 0 to 199...but I insanely tried the same grin
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on 2022-01-25
 Re: Who Dares Wins II +4M [PAL/NTSC]

Hi Luca and Charlemagne,

I know I am totally lame on the topic badlines and synching to the perfect rasterposition.. I could imagine to try that one day by myself, but in the past I relied on the sources by maniacs like Bubis, Bsz, Degauss or IstvanV. I found them here in the database if I remember right.. The synch stuff maybe not to be too complicated just do an inc $ff19/$ff15 somewhere to see if everything is stable (of course the white dot of the inc is helpful :)) and on the right position but I too almost never did that, maybe on or two times only. I learned that if you do a twister the easiest way is just to suppress all badlines, then maybe a loop could be used, too. So yeah, me am lame too.. happy (nice to see all that intro / homebrew game stuff popping up here, even a DYCP is something to love on the good old C16)

Who dares wins II was one of my personal favorite games on C64, I think I even loved it more than Commando. Nowadays I try to ommit this kind of games out of personal reasons. But nice to have a (now patched) version of this game found here, too..
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on 2022-01-25
 Re: Who Dares Wins II +4M [PAL/NTSC]

@Mad: yeah of course, Rocket Science is there just to remember to all of us how much you are "totally lame" on the badlines topic...yeah...hahaha grin.

When you say "suppress all badlines", are you meaning: forcing a different value of $ff06 just a bit before scanlines 3/4, 11/12 and so on (where $ff06 and $ff1d got the same bit3) in a way like:

        lda $ff1d
; any scanline
adc #1
and #7
ora #$38
sta $ff06

I tried this way too, and I failed sad
Posted By

on 2022-01-25
 Re: Who Dares Wins II +4M [PAL/NTSC]

Seems to be legit. Degauss first introduced this effect to me by using a table for ff06 for every scanline (lda ff06tab,y sta $ff06) which had an offset to the actual scanline. That's most likely the same like you do there.. Most of the other code is just relying on having the right cycles filled to the max on every (so not badline) scanline.. Of course the table should not cross a page boundary..

EDIT: some synching is needed (like y'all know). for instance using double irq and in first irq this:
inc $FF09
AND #$04
BEQ .fix1
.fix1 CLI
at least that's how the "double"twister is done in RocketScience..

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on 2022-01-25
 Re: Who Dares Wins II +4M [PAL/NTSC]

@Mad: yes, that's been my very first approach, with the $FF06 table looking like:
in order to seek all the badlines.

If I precalculate in the non-video scantime the value to be loaded, even having:
lda #$xx
ldx #$xx
ldy #$xx
sta $ff1a
stx $ff1b
sty $ff1f
steals away 18 cycles, growing up to AS MINIMUM 24 changing $ff06 at any scanline...

Unfortunaltey, I've never had success...but it's only the beginning, I'm gonna crash my head into it wink

Some synching, you mean in order to intercept the first visible line (#$03), of course yes.
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on 2022-01-25
 Re: Who Dares Wins II +4M [PAL/NTSC]

@Luca: did you try other numbers than adc #1 in your lda $ff1d adc #.. and #$07 sta $ff06 code snippet? I think what you do is the same as Degauss did with the $ff06 table just that the plus/4 has two badlines one after the other, maybe and adc #2 or even #4 would do a trick here? But you tried that of course already happy.. You see I am really no "expert" on this..

Edit: I tried it by myself, adc #$02 and others work, adc #$01 not.. Maybe your approach on that is really possible this way..
Posted By

on 2022-01-25
 Re: Who Dares Wins II +4M [PAL/NTSC]

@Mad for the records: I've tried all the useful numbers there grin Everything failed to me. Btw, your $ff06 table generating routine gives some values which are quite unexpected to me. Moreover, shall the skip of the first badline also skips the n+1 badline? grin Too many question, meanwhile I should concede, and follow the hard approach: don't change $ff06 and deal with the badlines by unrolling the whole stuff and fix the scanlines one by one: 18 cycles to set $ff1a/1b/1f and a couple of NOPs for badlines, same code and a JSR to a cycles consumpting subroutine for all the others...
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on 2022-01-25
 Re: Who Dares Wins II +4M [PAL/NTSC]

Luca ok it's your creative process I didn't want to interfere. But if you want to see the badlines gone you may try this extremely simple code (maybe it's buggy or wrong but the badlines seems to be delayed):

ORG $1001, $00
dc.w $100B,0
dc.b $9E,"4109",0,0,0 ; SYS4109

sta $ff3f
lda $ff13
and #%11111101
sta $ff13

.c lda $ff1c
and #$01
bne .c
.d lda $ff1d
cmp #10
bne .d

ldx #110
.b lda $ff1d
.a cmp $ff1d
beq .a
lda $ff1d
adc #$06 ; any number except 1 (and 0)
and #$07
ora #$18
sta $ff06
bne .b ; this doesn't look like 100 lines, but I didn't check the reason..
jmp .c

Anyways, have fun.. I didn't want to disturb your coding fun.. (Curious about the results if there are some somewhen.. Always nice to see new demos/intros..)

(I think the table you got is just reversed, because dex instead of inx in mainloop later.).. Have fun!! And sorry again..
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on 2022-01-25
 Re: Who Dares Wins II +4M [PAL/NTSC]

@Mad oh no no probably I've shown a different reaction compared ti what I mean: all the new visions about this are welcome, especially because that effect has been ignited to be a sort of code doujo, a training stuff to see what happens and how, and it's quite interesting to see that it can apparently be afforded in both the two approaches wink

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