Posted By
 Mad on 2021-08-17 07:19:10
| Re: AROK 2021...
Woohooo, nice..! |
Posted By
 Chronos on 2021-08-17 09:55:35
 | Re: AROK 2021...
my expectations are always high  |
Posted By
 Doug on 2021-08-17 09:59:22
| Re: AROK 2021...
I am so impressed by that C64 demo 'Singular Respawn!' inviting people to AROK 2021. Like any good demo it has me asking the obvious question: how on earth did they do that? Anybody know or care to speculate?  |
Posted By
 Mad on 2021-08-17 13:50:53
| Re: AROK 2021...
@Doug: This is most probably the famous "Censor Color Ram Scrolling" (as I would call it).. Similar effects are used since "ages". Key is to just update the color ram. For many of these are several flipped bitmaps (the grid) involved to get the thing animated on a fluid per pixel basis and not just the "harsh" colorram blocks.
There was some demo back some years where they started to scroll the bitmap (whilst animating the colorram), so the bitmap is fine scrolled (to the right) and the colorram moves (to the left), by this you get a pretty decent wobble effect onto screen. Say you scroll the bitmap 7 pixel to the right, and it seems it scrolls visually actually 1 pixel to the left, because you scrolled the colorram (8 pixel to the left), too. And it seems that it wobbles :).. Let me search that particular demo.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X6RDZ__10qw (At least that's how I would do this effect in this demo. Dunno if it is really that way.)
However this one seems a bit different. Mainly because it's fullscreen (bitmap scrolling on C64 would limit the display region). Could be that some other trickery is involved there too.. For most of these effects the key is to update the colorram and maybe change the bitmap address/pointer.. Maybe this one even incorporates charmode, dunno..
Maybe some guys should talk who really know of this effect in that particular demo..  |
Posted By
 MMS on 2021-08-17 13:51:57
 | Re: AROK 2021...
@all: I almost forgot it, d**n. I have a lot of semifinsihed stuff, but nothing close to be ready till the deadline (update: without some efforts :-) ). I will see...
@Doug: I think Promised Land used a lot this color ram scrolling. Very nice effect(especially the last part), I also like it! Eyegasm!  |
Posted By
 Mad on 2021-08-17 13:58:04
| Re: AROK 2021...
@all@MMS: https://youtu.be/NmDLh3MmooY?t=581 Promised land is an awesome example of "colorram scrolling", I love these ones especially this here at 9:44.. This is the best you can get currently on this machine.. Lavina for president! |
Posted By
 Doug on 2021-08-17 15:50:33
| Re: AROK 2021...
Thanks guys! This all confirmed my suspicions: there are some annoyingly talented people out there!  |
Posted By
 Lavina on 2021-08-17 16:40:40
 | Re: AROK 2021...
Thanks guys! Yes, Promised Land is a bit overdose with ColorCycler effects, but this was missing from our scene almost completely, while dominating the C64 scene for many many years. So I had to show this effect with our great TED palette. |
Posted By
 MIK on 2021-08-18 00:32:40
 | Re: AROK 2021...
Promised Land is 'welcome to the pleasuredome' for color!  |
Posted By
 Chronos on 2021-08-18 03:26:29
 | Re: AROK 2021...
hey hey, register to arok online by email (very strange choice choosen by the organizers) to get a votekey and vote to our prodz! pls! --> arok.intro.hu
you need to email your handle, group, country to the orgas.. |
Posted By
 MMS on 2021-08-18 11:31:48
 | Re: AROK 2021...
@Chronos: orgasm?  |
Posted By
 carrion on 2021-08-20 02:35:27
 | Re: AROK 2021...
... there are some rumors that there may be a C+4 gfx compo entry  |
Posted By
 MMS on 2021-08-20 11:48:04
 | Re: AROK 2021...
update: too! :-) |
Posted By
 Luca on 2021-08-21 11:44:16
 | Re: AROK 2021...
carrion GREEN(S) POWER! :O Instant 10!
We're waiting for the releases by MMS and Chronos, but the latter has sent a regular YAPE screenshot which I'm able to manage, so you can actually see how his entry looks like (spoiler: it looks lovable ) |
Posted By
 Chronos on 2021-08-21 11:50:12
 | Re: AROK 2021...
Hey Luca, check your messenger window  |
Posted By
 Luca on 2021-08-21 12:15:18
 | Re: AROK 2021...
Yeah, Mao's prg is up, with description and animated workstages!
Side note: Chabee remixed Exorcist tune to join the remixes compo too :) |
Posted By
 Chronos on 2021-08-21 12:35:35
 | Re: AROK 2021...
till the singer appeared i was pleased  |
Posted By
 Csabo on 2021-08-21 13:28:02
| Re: AROK 2021...
Loved all the pictures (including the C64 ones). So many talented folks  |
Posted By
 gerliczer on 2021-08-21 14:00:01
| Re: AROK 2021...
All three +4 piccies were great. Congrats guys whatever your placings will turn out! |
Posted By
 aNdy/Cosine on 2021-08-21 15:04:19
 | Re: AROK 2021...
Holy cow Carrion! Straight 10! |
Posted By
 George on 2021-08-21 16:31:23
 | Re: AROK 2021...
Congrats to the sceners...great entries! @carrion: Congrats to the first place. Your pic is a masterpiece! |
Posted By
 Luca on 2021-08-21 16:33:19
 | Re: AROK 2021...
George oh well, let's wait the official results first 
Also, great Wild Compo entry by BSZ and Larry too.
Edit: George votes have been anticipated, now I understand you're read it right ;) |
Posted By
 MIK on 2021-08-21 17:58:16
 | Re: AROK 2021...
@carrion Awesome image!  |
Posted By
 Ati on 2021-08-22 05:37:24
| Re: AROK 2021...
Congratulations guys! Thanx for your work! |
Posted By
 MMS on 2021-08-22 07:20:22
 | Re: AROK 2021...
Hello Guys! I was happy that we had an Arok again, and I could do my humble contribution to it. This year was a pretty strong one, some of the demo effects were out of this world, but at least from 8bit possibilities. Unfortunately I missed some of the compos due to personaly matters, sorry I could not see the WIild stuff
@carrion: congratulations to the first place! Fantastic image (art)! @Chronos: very cute picture, maybe it should have been ranked little higher
Update: Yepp, it is strange. I uploaded a BMP image with no spots, then the thumb and the zoomed pictures are all around with dots (you cannot do it in PETCII)
My proud 8th position comes from the fact a) it was a work in hurry, there could be some improvement potentials I skipped. I was happy to able to pack my stuff and send it b) PETSCII cannot play in the same legue of eyegasm, as an FLI picture (art) It cannot be changed, comes from the limiations. When you use ECM to overcome the color limiations, then you have only letters and numbers. Very limited If you modify the charset to able to use PETSCII gfx characters in ECM mode to have more colors, then you are a cheater... (although I think a modified charset ECM is the same as a FLI from technical point of view, as both need extra code to be able to show improved image, and still no HW modification done).
Maybe next year I will come with an ECM picture. Unfortunately we have no proper ECM editor on this machine. CBM PRG Studio mixes up the colors with the C64, Marq's PETSCII does not support it, and the one that really works on C64 is Krisz's online PETSCII editor (my fav), but I could not convience Krisz to add Plus/4 as a platform. As I see in modified charset ECM a huge potential, I may try to create a converter and convert the finished C64 ECM into a Plus/4 (but it means limited colors). |
Posted By
 Luca on 2021-08-22 07:46:07
 | Re: AROK 2021...
MMS I liked the retro feelings of your PETSCII picture, bravo! And, yes: Mao by Chronos would definitely have deserved a higher ranking...
We'd just talked about ECM editing three years ago, and, although there are several ECM editors for C64 (you know, ECM works the same way on that machine), if needed I guess it's the time to release my editor I used as internal tool e.g. in Tropical ECMotion. At least, if you wanna use better tools on C64, you can load your ECM picture from C64 and set new colors char per char with this one.
Posted By
 MMS on 2021-08-22 07:52:19
 | Re: AROK 2021...
WOWOWOWOW! Thank you!  |
Posted By
 dLst on 2021-08-30 10:36:31
| Re: AROK 2021...
Respect 4 all! |
Posted By
 carrion on 2021-09-01 01:59:45
 | Re: AROK 2021...
@Luca I'm interested to see your ECM editor if possible. As you know I work on a C64 gam in ECM mode. I use Charpad Pro but I was wondering how this gfx could look like on a C+4. |
Posted By
 Luca on 2021-09-01 07:13:01
 | Re: AROK 2021...
Ah yes carrion and MMS, here it is: Superdither ECM Editor.
Of course, don't expect the supersonic editor with data on the border and tons of facilities, it's a selfmade tool which would have been deliberately kept as simple as possible, but if you want to keep advantage of the 121 colors in ECM, this little crappie stuff might help you. I didn't even have a save option, meant to save $0800-$0FE8 on an emulator.
It's expressly dedicated to the patterns' buildup, once you've got acquainted to the few keys to use, it's all a fact of swapping the colors and alternate the 4 fixed ones with the screen one which changes, and then literally scroll into the cursor the desired pattern from the empty one to the full one and reversed. To easy reach your desired pattern, I put some shortcuts on the keys 1 to 8 (see the first line in the picture, made of "leaped" patterns"), otherwise you can move patterns with the fine swapping via the cursor keys (the second line in the picture as example). Also to be used often, the Return key to copy a location's color+pattern, so you can immediately change the former or the latter to continue your pattern's drawing.
And of course, you can load by yourself whatever preferred charset in $2000, and do your own kind of ECM graphics.
Hope it will help and support your already well known skills, guys 

EDIT: quickly added an option on ESC key in order to copy the color and screen memory to $2800 at any time, so if you're editing on a real machine you can simply reset it and save $2800-$2FE7. Logically, do the opposite to edit an outer picture, by loading it into $0800-$0FE7. |
Posted By
 MMS on 2021-09-02 14:50:24
 | Re: AROK 2021...
Thank you Luca, it will be definietly used with our magical 121 colors 
Pls do not say anything wrong about it, it is the best ECM tool on our platform Respect!
It will be perfect for us!