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on 2003-06-05
 Harbour attack

Did anybody finish this game? I heard rumours that the 3rd screen is a joke (you never achieve it), is there any info?
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on 2003-06-05
 Re: Harbour attack

Does'nt the game loop back round to the first screen and everything get faster, like the mines moving up and down??? I can't remember....
Posted By

on 2003-06-05
 Re: Harbour attack

I don't think this. As I remember long time ago, I did achieve a very great score in the 2nd screen (submarine + surface ship + aircraft), but nothing happened...
Somewhere I did see a screenshot of 3rd screen with a view from a surface-ship... boh!
I know nobody that arrived there

P.S. - It was the absolute 2nd game I got!!!
Posted By

on 2003-06-05
 Re: Harbour attack

The 3rd screen certainly does exist. happy

To get it the first time round, you have to reach level 5 (as shown at the top of the screen). To do this, you only need to shoot down the planes. Sinking the ships doesn't count towards going up levels.

After you complete the 3rd screen, the game loops. It doesn't go faster, but you have to shoot down more planes to get to the 3rd screen. happy
Posted By

on 2003-06-05
 Re: Harbour attack

And you figured this out without any cheats?! You must be one hell of a player wink Check out the Harbour Attack page, I've taken some screenshots and added a little description. Plus I made a few cool cheats for the game wink
Posted By

on 2003-06-05
 Re: Harbour attack

Well, I did play it a bit many years ago, and I noticed that the level only went up when I shot a plane, never when sinking a ship. It can be pretty easy, if you have the patience. wink

While on the subject of finishing games, is it possible to complete Jet Set Willy? It seems to be terminally bugged
Posted By

on 2003-06-05
 Re: Jet Set Willy

Jet Set Willy you say? (I just did that to demonstrate the AutoLink thingy. Use it, guys! It so neat to be able to click on a link and be right at the game we're talking about.)

I'm on it. It's already disassembled. Check the page for two fresh cheats (first things first wink) I know which byte stores the current room, so I can probably make a map pretty fast... Now, what seems to be the problem with this game?
Posted By

on 2003-06-05
 Re: Jet Set Willy

Well, the problem with Jet Set Willy ( :D ) is that I've explored all the rooms that I appear to be able to get to, and picked up all the items, and nothing happens.

The reason why I said it seemed terminally bugged is because there's a location where you can climb onto the roof, but when you walk up it off the top of the screen, you end up back at the start.

I've also checked my tape version, which is from the Two Classic Games pack, and it's the same.

BTW, where did Jet Set Willy +4 come from? Is it an actual published version, or is it the above version hacked with rooms from the original Spectrum version?
Posted By

on 2003-06-05
 Re: Jet Set Willy

There are 19 rooms, and you have to pick up 35 items, then make your way back to the top/left room (which is the master bedroom). I'm saying this because I looked at the code, maybe it's not possible to complete the game. When you go off that screen is not (really) a bug. Check out this unbelievable cheat:

>2F5A 24

It makes Willy fly! Try it, it's pretty cool. This way it's easier to do what you did: if you leave any room in a direction where the game does not have a room connecting, you find yourself in room 00 (which is the starting room, or the bathroom). I've made a map, I'll be uploading it in a minute along with two more maps!
Posted By

on 2003-06-05
 Re: Jet Set Willy

I assume you have the original... Things we would need: the cover happy, year of release, company. The map is up! Also look in the memory from $1300 in the cracked version (which seems to be all we have). This means we would need the TAP too, to have a 'perfect' image.
Posted By

on 2003-06-05
 Re: Jet Set Willy

My copy is from the Two Classic Games pack. I can do you a TAP, would you like a cover scan as well? (The existing cover you have looks more like a photo than a scan) happy

No year listed I'm afraid, but the Jet Set Willy +4 version says it was published by Tynesoft (licensed from Software Projects). And Microvalue (who published the Two Classic Games pack was a Tynesoft label. happy
Posted By

on 2003-06-06
 Re: Harbour attack

Plus4 Jet Set Willy was on side B of the original cassette release. I don't have an original, but I know 100% it was.

I do have Jet Set Willy 2 kicking about though, again Tynesoft and copyright 1986 of the C16 +4 versions, but it also says on the cover "Jet Set Willy copyright 1984 Software Projects", so it looks like the name "Jet Set Willy" was copyrighted then.....

I'll take a guess and say late 1985, early 1986 for the C16 +4 versions for Jet Set Willy, because I'm sure this was released before we got Manic Miner.
Posted By

on 2003-06-06
 Re: Harbour attack

Truth be told it was 1984/1985 the last time I sat here and played Harbour Attack all the way through. The game was too simple, but at the time fun seeing as I only had 12 games that xmas including Mission Mars which I bought knowing what I was getting for xmas, so an 18 year old guess was'nt far off hehe wink

Out of the 11 games that came with my Plus/4 it was Mayhem that I never fully understood, but seeing as almost all the games were cool there was no need to go back to it wink
Posted By

on 2003-06-06
 Re: Jet Set Willy

So did the map help anyone? I still don't know how to finish the game either. From the code, this is what I see: there are two flags that need to be set. Only if the first flag is set, does the game check the second flag, which is the more obvious one, so I'll start with that. You have to have 35 items and be in room #2 (which is the master bedroom). Even though there are more items than that in the game, once you reach 35 it's enough.

It's the first flag that I don't get. I can describe what it checks but it won't help. It check that out of 6 bytes from $3BB1 either one has to be $25 and the corresponding byte from $3BB7 has to be non-zero. If either one of the 6 meets this condition, it sets the first flag high, and it goes on with the second check. (If you want to really spoil the fun, just go into YAPE monitor and type >2A4 80 and bang, you've won.) Anyway, since I don't know what the game stores on $3BB1 or $3BB7, I don't know what it's expecting from the player...

Come on now, if we all put our heads together we can figure this out.
Posted By

on 2003-06-06
 Re: Jet Set Willy

I figured (some of) it out. Those bytes represent the character data of where Willy is walking. When you go into the master bedroom, go "behind" the bed and reach the pillow (which kills you, by the way) this condition is met. I'm saying "behind" what I mean is "not on top", kind of like "inside" the bed. So it really seems that's all you have to do: get all the items and go there. Right?
Posted By

on 2003-10-14
 Re: Harbour attack

I've received an original Jet Set Willy tape today. It says C16/Plus4 Enhanced version.
Copyright texts are following:
Jet Set Willy - Copyright 1986 TYNESOFT C16/+4 Versions
Jet Set Willy - Copyright 1984 Software Projects.
A side of the TAPE has the C16 version, while B side has the +4 version. This is printed on the tape.
Unluckily someone was brain damaged enough to glue the cover together, or it just stuck together I don't know, so I can't scan the other side of the cover, and I can't force the glue off. Any idea how to release the pages?
Posted By

on 2003-10-14
 Re: Harbour attack

You could try steaming it using an iron, but I wouldn't do that unless you know how to do it without damaging it (which I don't)
Posted By

on 2003-10-14
 Re: Harbour attack

I believe just water... but with a BIG BUT!

Its the drying out of the paper its self I wouldn't know anything about as it may shrink and curl... Not sure how they do it.
Posted By

on 2003-10-27
 Re: Harbour attack

Well: we now have the evidence that I was right, when I told there is an unknown level on Harbour Attack. See this new cover:
in the italian manual, (see below) it is spoken about a "terza fase" that is third screen (1st is the mine protected field, 2nd is the submarine attacking ship and aircraft)
Master Lando?!?
Posted By

on 2003-10-27
 Re: Harbour attack

You get to the 3rd screen by shooting down loads of planes on the 2nd screen.


Posted By

on 2003-10-28
 Re: Harbour attack


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