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![](/images/g.gif) MCes on 2021-04-07 11:31:01
![](/images/avatars/0040.jpg) | Drive 1551: 28-pin MOS6523T replacement tentative
@crock asked to me if I developed a replacement for the TRIport used into the 1551 cartridge, a 28pin MOS6523T (MOS6523A-28). The consequence is a tentative to do it!
Now I have to develop the CPLD internal structure, and for testing it I need to know if (and which) speed loaders for 1551 exist. Does anyone know them?
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![](/images/g.gif) crock on 2021-04-07 13:27:10
![](/images/avatars/0023.png) | Re: Drive 1551: 28-pin MOS6523T replacement tentative
Ooh, so excited! Happy to support any testing required as I think I have at least two 1551's with a failed 6523.
I also think I have a test program for the paddle that checks the ports of the 6523 fo the correct responses.
I'll dig it out if it's useful.
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![](/images/g.gif) MCes on 2021-04-08 09:25:24
![](/images/avatars/0040.jpg) | Re: Drive 1551: 28-pin MOS6523T replacement tentative
The CPLD has some limitation, so I have to make some simplification. The correctness of this simplifications has to be tested on the ground, obviously with the standard load/save but lso with the 1551 speed loaders (if they exist) that could use in a different way the HW protocol.
So the question is: are there any speed loaders for the 1551 drive? Which?
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![](/images/g.gif) MCes on 2021-04-09 06:51:12
![](/images/avatars/0040.jpg) | Re: Drive 1551: 28-pin MOS6523T replacement tentative
Thanks a lot!