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on 2020-09-09
 Micro SD2IEC with Plus4

I changed my name from JledS​​t​​ev61 to C=Owl27.

Got this from eBay.


It only connects to the C64 cassette port. (not Plus4)
There is another version I did not know about
that connects to the user port.

Apparently connecting just for the 5volts.

So I use alligator clamps to connect the positive and negative,
until I get something else.

I did see that there is a 6pin port.
I am assuming it is for flashing the firmware.

These pins should also provide a way for power.
Does anyone have any experience with this version?
And does anyone know if it is possible to provide power here at the 6pins?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Posted By

on 2020-09-10
 Re: Micro SD2IEC with Plus4

You can always use a C64 to plus/4 datasette adaptor. My SD2IEC has plus/4 tape connector and I've used the opposite to connect to a C64. Like this one

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on 2020-09-10
 Re: Micro SD2IEC with Plus4

That is perfect. I also saw something called a userport saver.
I like the cord better.
I hope they sell it on Amazon.
eBay seems to take longer to deliver and the shipping is costly for some reason.

Posted By

on 2020-09-22
 Re: Micro SD2IEC with Plus4

I asked the guy who used to sell those on eBay (link to picture attached), stetson was his handle I think, to assemble one for me with a mini DIN power cable instead and he did it at no additional cost. Nowadays apparently he only assembles PI1541 cases. But I guess you can ask.
I liked his form factor, it was small but not too small, I own two, one for the VIC/C64 and this one for the C16/+4.


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