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Posted By

on 2003-04-28
 Who was Korak?

Please, if anybody knows, tell me, who was Korak?

By the way, there are numerous "phantom" names in the plus4 scene. Let's uncover these mysteries...

Posted By

on 2003-04-28
 Re: Korak

I doubt that other than the actual person anyone would know, and I doubt that he would ever come forward. What makes it even harder to track down this guys is that more than one person released stuff under this fake handle (example: Green Pig, which appears to be a Korak thing, but it was made by one of the Delta System members).

All we can do is guess wink

This reminds me though, the other day I ran across yet another old Korak demo called "Vorteksz Cri". Anyone remembers this one? It's not even in the database yet.

Posted By

on 2003-04-29
 More Korak Releases

I guess I meant "The Best Poetry", which I added today. But "Vorteksz Cri" was another one I remember, yet we don't seem to have it...

Posted By

on 2003-04-30
 Korak's face

I remember one gotu release called Korak's face. This was a one part demo with digiconv. music and one single graphic representing a man's reproductive organ... happy

It was released by Freddy and Shadow of Gotu, I guess it was an answer for Korak's saying some bad things about GOTU.

Ok, I think we can close out the gotu team, we definietly did not have Korak in our membership. Maybe following this tactic we can narrow the circle...

Posted By

on 2003-04-30

And betcha I'll uploaded long time ago happy
Face of Korak

Posted By

on 2003-04-30
 Re: Korak

Lavina, are you sure it wasn't secretly Kiki?!

I'm telling you, this is impossible to guess or figure out. It could have been anyone. Think about it: anything that you may use as a clue could be there just to throw you off.

Okay, for example in Riga demo (supposedly the last demo from him), he said "I hope you like the games I converted under my other handle". Now, does this mean it could have been some like Pigmy, Crown, Csory or SF? Or did Korak just write that to mislead you - because he was a guy who never converted games? When someone is always joking or lying, you can not tell when they are being serious.

Lavina, I read Korak News 7 the other day, and I was laughing my ass off on what he wrote about Nintendo Works. I know you are not offended, right? Man, it's just so damn funny. See, there is another thing: in Korak News 7 his writing style is actually pretty clever and witty - unlike most of the other productions. I suspect that particular one was done by someone else - and for some reason I can't shake the feeling that it could be Proky. happy

Before a flame-war breaks out, I'm not accusing anyone wink I'm just guessing around.

Posted By

on 2003-05-01

I know, in Nintendo, I stupidly completed the animation cycle and started again with the last one, so one of the cycles displayed twice, causing poor mario walking as if he had some problem with one of his legs... And of course, one of his legs is white. You know what? I WANTED IT TO LOOK LIKE THIS!!!!!!! ARGH.

Anyway, to tell you the truth, once i suspected the following persons:

Kiki, Proky, Tarzan.

But well, it's really kind of hard, but I am sure it was not Kiki.

Posted By

on 2018-09-23

LBM just admitted releasing 2 Korak News together with BBM.

But I am still interested in the original Korak.

----------------------------------------------------- EDIT!!!! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

After so many decades now I have my answer. Yes, the definitive, unquestionable, final answer about the ORIGINAL Korak's identity.

Yes, I'm certain, I'm positive, no questions left in me, I know the truth!

I guess that right now I'm the only one who knows it and it's a pretty strange feeling. :D This was (is) one of the biggest mysteries of the Commodore Plus4 scene. Should I reveal it??? Help me to decide it.

Posted By

on 2018-09-23
 Re: Who was Korak?


Posted By

on 2018-09-23
 Re: Who was Korak?

Come on!

Posted By

on 2018-09-23
 Re: Who was Korak?

Uh-oh... If you're the only one who knows... And whoever Korak actually was must also know... Logically, it must be that... It's you, isn't it? wink (Otherwise, sure, reveal it!)

Posted By

on 2018-09-23
 Re: Who was Korak?

Ok, so it was Fred, younger brother of Tarzan. The info is from the latter. He taught Fred how to code but he was not very interested at that time, only made a few releases and also used the Korak handle.

Ironically he later became a programmer for profession. I always suspected Tarzan to be Korak because in the Tarzan books Korak was the name of Tarzan's son. Nobody was so fond of Tarzan books at that time as they. :) So it turned out that I was almost right.

There you have it. Case closed. I know that some dudes were wannabe Koraks at that time, but that's another story.

Posted By

on 2018-09-23
 Re: Who was Korak?

My gosh, that rings so true. I think we all kind of suspected Tarzan, so Fred... It just makes sense.

Mark your calendars, fellow sceners, today is an end of an era happy

Posted By

on 2018-09-24
 Re: Who was Korak?

an end of an era that's become... 'The Legend of Tarzan' wink

Posted By

on 2018-09-24
 Re: Who was Korak?

Well, as far as we are now in the Korak's case, it's now time to let the stories pop out once forever: the "Korak" note I added to the Fred's page is now awaiting for anything happened in the era, all the flamewars and the rest.

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