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Posted By

The Balrog
on 2020-02-06
 Missing 'Space Bar' when typing ...

It might just be me or maybe even 'old age' creeping in but I have just tried to play 'Jack The Ripper' on-line and the emulator will NOT respond to the 'Space Bar' ... so you cannot type "EXAMINE SUIT" as all you get is "EXAMINESUIT" which the parser will not recognise. Tried a few 'two word' inputs and the emulator failed to register the 'Space Bar' with all of them ... this means that you cannot play 'Text Adventures' on-line.

Posted By

on 2020-02-06
 Re: Missing 'Space Bar' when typing ...

Assuming you're talking about the Javascript version of YAPE... This is easily solved. The relevant info is actually printed on the page, on the left side:

LALT + I : switch emulated joystick port
Joystick buttons are the arrow keys and SPACE

So, by default, arrow keys + space is assigned to joystick emulation. Press ALT+I (the emulator will respond with "ACTIVE JOY IS: NONE") and you're good to go.

Posted By

The Balrog
on 2020-02-07
 Re: Missing 'Space Bar' when typing ...

Thanks ... everything works fine now ... never thought about changing the 'joystick port'.

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