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on 2019-06-27
 C16 64k S-RAM internal expansion (no motherboard modify!)

It will expand the memory of your C16 to 64K as a PLUS/4

It's very simple to instal:
open your C16, pull out the TED chip, place the "64KxC16" on the TED socket, plug the TED on "64KxC16", close your C16...

Not cutting traces, not desoldering anything!
(All the 64k RAM expansion cartridges require that some motherboard traces has to be cutted for removing the old ram bank and avoiding a bus conflict, and it imply that C16 can't work without plugging the ram cartridge)

There is a switch for chosing 16K or 64K system, and a 2 pin plug for the remoting of the switch.

Power absorbed by this expansion is equivalent to the energy saved by stopping the access at the original memory bank, it's possible only because it was chosen a Static RAM that use much less power of a Dynamic RAM (original one is D-RAM): not more power, not more dissipation, not more heat...

NOTE: it will be mechanically not compatible whith C16 rare models that use a metal schield inside for covering the motherboard, the standard shield type is a metallized paper, and this is mechanically compatible

More info and PICs:

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