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on 2019-05-01
 Next FCUG meeting - Sunday, May 5

Happy May Day, C= and Ami aficionados

Note the date for our meeting! We had to move it due to member conflicts for all the other weekends.

Note our meeting location! We met at Panera Bread last month, and I talked to those behind counter. They were smiling broadly and were very enthusiastic about our club being there, saying that we were no problem at all and that we had not even been noticed until later. As with last month's meeting, we'll be in the back or maybe even in the covered patio!

For this month, we'll discuss last weekend's Commodore L.A. Super Show and the upcoming Bay Area Maker Faire and the Pacific Commodore Expo NW. At CLASS I had several computers go down. :/ So, I will be counting on v.p. Roger to bring in a VIC-20, and I'll bring in Ultimate 64 and Amiga 600 (the Plus/4 is toast right now).

In software we'll look at the latest VIC-20 and C64 software releases, including the infamous Super Mario 64 which had several download sites shut down by Nintendo. For the A600, we'll have more public domain disks, courtesy of The Other Group of Amigoids.

Robert Bernardo
Fresno Commodore User Group - http://www.dickestel.com/fcug.htm

Posted By

on 2019-05-03
 Re: Next FCUG meeting - Sunday, May 5

Dear Robert,
Sorry to hear your Plus/4 is down right now, and we miss our opportunity to show our new stuff there.

Do you consider buying any of the new upgrades, like new PLA or 6510 based 8510? Just askin'.

If you have fried mobo issue, I may offer one of my "dead TED" C=+4, though they are PAL versions, but it was told to be easy to convert to NTSC by a crystal swap.

Posted By

on 2019-05-04
 Re: Next FCUG meeting - Sunday, May 5

The Plus/4 lost all sound and joystick control at the Commodore Los Angeles Super Show. I was able to run Zombie Calavera, but without joystick control, all I had was the title screen. :/ I didn't bring a back-up Plus/4 with me to the show, because Ray Carlsen had my other two which has been repairing.

Thanks for offering me the motherboards. It's not necessary right now. I will pick up the repaired Plus/4's from Ray and drop off the broken one to him just before the June 8-9 Pacific Commodore Expo NW. Ray did replace a burned-out PLA with a new PLA replacement in one of the repaired ones. And yes, I've been watching progress on the 6510-based 8510. happy

Robert Bernardo
June 8-9 Pacific Commodore Expo NW - http://www.portcommodore.com/pacommex

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