| Posted By
 MMS on 2019-04-20 04:11:54
 | Color of housing in 264 range, RAL8019 anyone?
The nice grey color of the 264 series was always a speciality.
I try to create something in similar color, but found the topic not so easy (in real life). I tried different acrylic paints, but the color look really different.
I checked out several dozens of color samples from different paint makers, but somehow none of the colors matches. (anthracite, graphite grey, dark grey, etc) Certainly I am thinking about a standard color, in RAL color scheme loks to be the best.
Today I found by accident a color seems matching, and my Plus/4 (next to me) seems fit to this color scheme. Surprisingly it has that brownish thint I did not recognise before (maybe because most of the cases I can spend my time on my hobby after work)
This is RAL8019, and it s called Grey Brown.
I am just curious, if your Plus/4 or C16 has a similar brownish tint, or just my version have a strong bromine yellowing/browning effect, and not typical to the "new" looking pieces?
Just for your reference a color link: https://www.tikkurila.dk/industriel_overfladebehandling/farver/ral_farvekort/ral_classic/ral_8019.5240.xhtml
Posted By
 gerliczer on 2019-04-20 06:16:05
| Re: Color of housing in 264 range, RAL8019 anyone?
Colours are very tricky beasts. They depend on illumination, thickness of coating, the surface they are applied to and probably dozens of other factors. You need to compare an actual sample with your reference piece under at least incandescent, fluorescent and natural light before you can get slightly certain in your choice. It is advised to do this checking with more people having slightly different colour perception and using a lot of light sources. Or maybe a colour measuring equipment used for calibrating displays and printers.
Posted By
 siz on 2019-04-20 16:14:02
| Re: Color of housing in 264 range, RAL8019 anyone?
As Chronos pointed out at one of the Árok parties: my plus/4's top and bottom halves of the case are different color. The bottom is my original one from 1987 and the top is from a different machine. The bottom part has a very strong yellowing-like effect so that one looks brown-gray. The top one is clearly gray, not even a hint of brown there.
Posted By
 MMS on 2023-07-29 12:54:13
 | Re: Color of housing in 264 range, RAL8019 anyone?
Thanks for the hints. Conclusion: any of the dark/medium/brownish/etc grey would be fine 
2023 July updare The topic popped up again (future project :-) hopefully not aqain a paperware)
So looking on other forums, ppl seems to agree, that the Plus/4 had a brownish tint, and not really charcoal black/grey. Someone mentioned a very dark bronze color. Today I checked my 3 pieces, and I also noticed the color difference, but in my case the top was more brownish/yellowish, I suppose because of the material you turn back with retrobright technology.
So I spent some time with this issue, involved my daughter too, and my best guess with Pantone color #191817 called Dark Veil, https://icolorpalette.com/color/191817
but #22201f Black Chestnut Oak also look fine as Plus/4 or 1551 color https://icolorpalette.com/color/22201f
First I thought the Beluga color will be the one, but I am not sure any more. Maybe too light? https://www.hyatts.com/eCom/images/1/190405.jpg
Any opinion on the matter? Because once it's ordered, it is done...
Posted By
 GeTE on 2023-08-01 05:08:38
| Re: Color of housing in 264 range, RAL8019 anyone?
Ok, I see that here is a place where an experienced label reconstructor should bring light in the mist of colours. So let's start the show! 
The old breadbox C64 has a case colour of RAL 1019 for sure:

But the plus/4 fits best to RAL 7022 for the case, RAL 1013 for the normal keys and RAL 7030 for the function keys (function and normal key colours are surprisingly the same on C64C too):

Some people think RAL 8019 fits to the plus/4-case but compared to RAL 7022 it seems there is to much red in this colour making it to brownish:

If you want to recreate one of the printers, just use the same case colour the plus/4 has but RAL 5012 for the blue and RAL 3016 for the red in the letters:

Well, and if you are interested in one MEGA65 (I did not own one but the original badges are bad and therfore I measured the colour and have done something much better), here are the colours: RAL 1013 for the normal keys (not fitting best, but this case and keys are too light!) and RAL 7032 for the function keys:

And yes, it's always a good idea to involve women, because they can see more colours than men. I therefore asked my daughter too.
Posted By
 MMS on 2023-08-01 16:06:44
 | Re: Color of housing in 264 range, RAL8019 anyone?
@GeTE wow, thank you for the detailed and very professional answer! Your color cards are more than conviencing! (it is interesting that the 3D priniting studios did not ask RAL, but Pantone colors, but they can be converted to each other)
Posted By
 MIK on 2023-08-01 18:13:05
 | Re: Color of housing in 264 range, RAL8019 anyone?
Those Pantone books are not cheap. 
All I know is that Plus/4's are more a dark brown and the colour has remained constant over the years. The C16's tho were like a graphite or slate grey, if it has been in the sun a C16 can look like a dark oily brown.
Posted By
 orion70 on 2023-08-03 05:50:05
 | Re: Color of housing in 264 range, RAL8019 anyone?
RAL codes confirmed here: https://www.c64-wiki.de/wiki/3D-Druck_Ersatzteile
Posted By
 MMS on 2023-12-09 15:24:03
 | Re: Color of housing in 264 range, RAL8019 anyone?
Thanks! So the 1551 color is confirmed RAL 7021, but 7022 is also very close.
Update: checking some products with RAL 7022 it seems to be the perfect match, as told by @GeTE. RAL7021 seems missing the brownish tint we all see.
Posted By
 bszggg on 2024-04-11 09:55:18
| Re: Color of housing in 264 range, RAL8019 anyone?
This is the RAL 7022 as an example (at sunshine)
and as we see, there is more than one type color is possible.. :/

Maybe I test the ral7021 too .. later..
Posted By
 MMS on 2024-04-11 14:26:40
 | Re: Color of housing in 264 range, RAL8019 anyone?
Nice trial! the first real life one.
But I think the brownish Plus/4 on the right is the result of extreme yellowing due to bromine, so it could be turned back with Retrobright.
So propbably it is not the real Plus/4 color, juts an abomination due to UV light 
Posted By
 bszggg on 2024-04-15 12:11:07
| Re: Color of housing in 264 range, RAL8019 anyone?
RAL7021 below the sun:

Posted By
 gerliczer on 2024-04-15 14:40:01
| Re: Color of housing in 264 range, RAL8019 anyone?
The previous one looked closer to the colours of the original cases. This one is much more gray with much less brown tints.
Posted By
 MMS on 2024-04-16 18:48:26
 | Re: Color of housing in 264 range, RAL8019 anyone?
Yepp, I am also missing a little brown here, and a little too light. Strange, on the color card it looked a closer match.
There is no such standard color as the Plus/4 has?
Posted By
 bszggg on 2024-04-17 10:44:22
| Re: Color of housing in 264 range, RAL8019 anyone?
Maybe there is a good idea to sit out to the main door to the shop, below the sun, and check it out. I can accept this result now.. In the room, not close to the window, it can acceptable for me. 
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