Posted By
ericjherd on 2019-03-24 12:23:32
| Re: Assembly - Can't execute my code?
Thank you all so much for your advice and help so far...I think I'm getting really close.
I've decided to cross assemble using the KickAssembler. I'll take functionality over "cool" for right now
Still can't get the code to execute in an emulator, either yape or vice.
Source has been revised to the following:
*=$4000-2 "HELLO" .word $4000 mytext: .text "HELLO WORLD" ldx #0 loop: lda mytext,x jsr $FFD2 inx cpx #11 bne loop brk
Compiling and running yields:
So, there are no errors, but nothing is displayed on the screen either! A disassembly starting at $3FFE reveals the following:
(C:$d90f) D 3ffe .C:3ffe 00 BRK .C:3fff 40 RTI .C:4000 48 PHA .C:4001 45 4C EOR $4C .C:4003 4C 4F 20 JMP $204F .C:4006 57 4F SRE $4F,X .C:4008 52 JAM .C:4009 4C 44 A2 JMP $A244 .C:400c 00 BRK .C:400d BD 00 40 LDA $4000,X .C:4010 20 D2 FF JSR $FFD2 .C:4013 E8 INX .C:4014 E0 0B CPX #$0B .C:4016 D0 F5 BNE $400D .C:4018 00 BRK
So the code is definitely in there. I get the feeling I'm really close to figuring this out, I just need that "light bulb" moment! Also, typing in SYS with various start addresses from 16382, 16384, 16386 just lands me in the monitor.
Thanks for any advice! --Eric