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on 2019-03-04
 Commodore Vegas Expo v15 2019 - August 10-11

Indescribable! Indestructible! Amazing! Spectacular adventure beyond space and time! Thundering out of the unknown, it's the...

August 10-11 Commodore Vegas Expo

Thrills! Shock! Suspense! Commodores! Amigas!

Plaza Hotel
3rd floor, Desert Wind Salon
1 Main Street
Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Out of this world shock sensation! Step through the time portal!

Saturday, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Sunday, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Prepare your minds for a new scale of physical, scientific values!
Robert Bernardo
organizer - Commodore Vegas Expo (CommVEx) v15 2019

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