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on 2019-02-18
 Podcast about the C16 in general and many of its games (german)

Some months ago I Mad participated in a german Retrokompott podcast about the C16s games and it's story.

Parallax and the Retrokompott Crew did most of the talk.

I just added some (perhaps wrong) technical details here and there.
If you are able in using the german language you could listen to it for several hours. happy

Part1: http://blog.retrokompott.de/retrokompott-folge-084-die-c16-familie-part-1-01-02-2019
Part2: http://blog.retrokompott.de/retrokompott-folge-085-die-c16-familie-part-2-15-02-2019

Some more parts will follow later on..

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on 2019-02-18
 Re: Podcast about the C16 in general and many of it's games (german)

Thank you for sharing it !

So, it is a free German language course dedicated to our hobby? Nice! The easiest way to learn a language!
(OK, just after a German speaking girlfriend happy )

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on 2019-03-02
 Re: Podcast about the C16 in general and many of its games (german)

here the last episode of the C16 family podcast of Retrokompott (.de).. happy

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Retro Recollections
on 2019-03-06
 Re: Podcast about the C16 in general and many of its games (german)

I wish I could speak German. Podcasts that go in depth on the C16 and Plus/4 are few and far between.

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