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on 2018-11-05
 My Plus4 load .tap and at 90% and stop

Hi, hi have found my old plus 4, not having tapes to test it I connect the Tapuino to port datasette, which I use regularly for the commodore64, I picked up a .tap from this site and tried to launch it, the system enters the search mode, then found, then loads up to 90 Approximately% making white screen until it returns to the main screen returning an error! (?LOAD ERROR)
What could be the cause?

Posted By

on 2018-11-05
 Re: My Plus4 load .tap and at 90% and stop

All the .tap's I made were all tested and fully loaded with the Plus4 emulator YAPE. That said, I have never tried them on a real machine though. I made sure the tapes loaded on the real hardware before making the .tap images though, so to make sure I was recording a working version.

Baz aka Sixteenplus as you may know from here and on Lemon64 forums uses a Princess C64SD device and never reported any issues when loading and saving C16/Plus4 tap images.
Video of the Princess C64SD working: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ai95lLFJWag

Maybe the .tap is faulty? Try loading something from Gremlin Graphics as all their games used Novaload which is the easiest turbo loader to work with.
Some games used a special "half wav" type turbo which is unique to the TED series and maybe it's that causing the issue? Anco used half wav turbos for example.

Posted By

on 2018-11-06
 Re: My Plus4 load .tap and at 90% and stop

I believe the problem is my machine and not the site files.
I was wondering if anyone had the same problem and if I could control something even at the hardware level, unfortunately it is not much on this little-known machine in spite of the older brothers and so I can not find solutions.
I tried to load an original cassette (but for C64) but charge to infinity, with the tapuino at least I can figure out if he has finished loading the game!
Now I try some tap of those that you have recommended me!

Posted By

on 2018-11-06
 Re: My Plus4 load .tap and at 90% and stop

the screen color should be cyan and not white while Plus4 is loading. Please check this.

Second, the Plus4 tape format is recorded twice, so that the program is loaded a first time, then the memory is verified with the second copy on the tape. If not equal a ?LOAD ERROR is output. I don't remember if STOP key is working while the verifying is running, but if yes you could stop the verifying and still have the program in memory.
If not try press STOP+RESET and X [Return]
Let me know happy

Posted By

on 2018-11-06
 Re: My Plus4 load .tap and at 90% and stop

Hi SVS thx for the info....
The screen of plus4 when the tapuino load the tap have a stripes horizontal,the same at C64...
Non sure for your point 2, the sequence stop+reset and x....
I downloaded same .tap for Gremlin Graphics and for now only 1 game working, not clear why the other file refound an error....

PS. Sorry for my great english... grin

Posted By

on 2018-11-06
 Re: My Plus4 load .tap and at 90% and stop

Your English is better than mine and I'm from the UK!
Very odd and strange one works but others don't. Most of the turbo loading .tap's were recorded with the same program, MTAP.

A good number of Mastertronic games also used Novaload, there are the odd 2 or 3 games that were half wav but most were Novaload.

If it's possible to save .tap images with C64 Vice emulator then some silly Basic code like this,

10 PRINT"your name "
20 GOTO 10

Save that as a .tap if possible from C64 Vice and it should work if loaded on a Plus4. Your know your self at least what you made works if it does.

I don't want to say it but will do so very quietly..., there may be a memory issue and why some work and some don't? Lets hope not!

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