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on 2018-08-26
 Ray Carlsen releases new power supplies and adapters

Good news! In his understated way, Ray Carlsen writes:

> I just finished updating my website to include the new C64 mini PS and some adapters that will eliminate
> the Y configuration on new power supplies that run a C64 and C128.

O.K., here are more details, all found at


The mini C64 p.s., priced at $55 plus shipping, is rated 5VDC @ 4 amps and 9VAC @ 1 amp. The very custom M-AM/64/128-2D p.s., priced at $140, powers a C64/128/VIC-20CR and disk drives, or with the flip of a switch, an Amiga 500/600/1200. Now on the webpage, the VIC-20E two-prong p.s., priced at $35, outputs 9VAC @ 3 amps. The C64-to-128 p.s. adapter and the C128-to-64 p.s. adapter are $15 each. (Not pictured is his heavy-duty p.s. for the Amiga CD32.) All of these are in addition to his other C64/128/VIC-20CR and Amiga 500/600/1200 power supplies!



there is another addition/improvement. It is the "Deluxe Box" Computer Saver and PS Tester, priced at $50. Not only does it prevent overvoltages from original CBM power supplies, but it also "allows p.s. testing without being connected to a computer."

Robert Bernardo
Fresno Commodore User Group -
Southern California Commodore & Amiga Network -

Posted By

on 2019-06-12
 Re: Ray Carlsen releases new power supplies and adapters

There is now a new, attractive, and well-organized front-end to Ray's website. Go to


Ray has confirmed that he has lowered the prices on his power supplies, and his shipping costs are generally lower.

On the way back home from PaCommEx,
Robert Bernardo
Fresno Commodore User Group

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