Posted By
crock on 2018-04-22 08:09:33
| 116 Keyboard Repair
If you have a Commodore 116 with a broken or intermittently working keyboard, I've just put up a video on youtube showing how to successfully take apart, renovate and reassemble it.
Unlike most other Commodore 8-bit keyboards, it's not easy to take apart as it's not held together with screws, it uses plastic pins which can only be destructively removed. Using a drill-press though, you can remove them and then drill out holes to take small pan head screws to replace them. This video shows how to do this, as well as cleaning and repairing the keyboard membrane with conductive, carbonised rubber paint.
If there's the interest, I will consider offering this as a service, so please get in touch if you're interested, or indeed if you have other questions.