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on 2018-04-11
 New Game: Magic Blocks

Magic BlocksMagic BlocksMagic Blocks is an arcade style game for Commodore 16/116 (64KB RAM) Plus/4 and Commodore 128. Help the little wizard Archimedes to learn creating and destroying magic blocks, grab the key and leave the screen by entering the door. At some rooms you need creativity to use the magic blocks and at some others you must find a short way to the key and the door before the time runs out. The game comes with 16 levels. On our lovely 264er machine it runs very fast for a BASIC game. Both versions (128 and 264) are identical except the speed and different colors.
The download includes the source code. If you have some optimizations etc., please let me know. Have fun with this little game.

Grab a copy at my website!
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on 2018-04-11
 Re: New Game: Magic Blocks

A Solomon's Key game written in BASIC for C16, that's totally cute! Bravo RKSoft!
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on 2018-04-11
 Re: New Game: Magic Blocks

Really nice. Thank you, RKSoft happy
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on 2018-04-11
 Re: New Game: Magic Blocks

Nice! Congrats RKSoft happy happy
Posted By

on 2018-04-11
 Re: New Game: Magic Blocks

Really nice game! And pretty fast with all those animations.
I really like the design of main character too.

I checked the BASIC code, and it is very compact any nicely done. Respect!
(Thank you for sharing it. there could be a lot to learn from this code)
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on 2018-04-11
 Re: New Game: Magic Blocks

oh wow!
very good quality for basic game.
I didn't know it's possible to change char-set from basic level.
really impressive. great job!
Posted By

on 2018-04-11
 Re: New Game: Magic Blocks

RKSoft the game does not save the very last score, keeping the previous update as hiscore.
Posted By

on 2018-04-12
 Re: New Game: Magic Blocks

Luca, thanks for that. I added a if...then in the game over subroutine, so the latest hiscore will be update. I'll tested this and it works. Sorry for that bug(!). You can redownload the game, i updated the source and the d64 file.

Thanks for your comments. I hope the source can help somebody in making BASIC games. happy
Posted By

on 2018-04-16
 Re: New Game: Magic Blocks

I'm just wondering...did anyone tried to compile this code? is this doable?
My concern is the gfx made with custom char generator and if the compiler can handle that.
If so Then I wonder how many games where back then write in basic and compiled later.
Posted By

on 2018-04-16
 Re: New Game: Magic Blocks

carrion: various BASIC games has consequently been compiled and released that way, you can see from any single game page here, that "Code Type" considers "AustroSpeed compiling too.
If something has to be compiled the right way, I think SVS is one of the men which can save the day happy
Posted By

on 2018-04-19
 Re: New Game: Magic Blocks

Ok finally got a run on the game! Very nice and seemingly possible in BASIC! Good job!
Posted By

on 2018-04-20
 Re: New Game: Magic Blocks

Yes, it is a nice game. Thanks!

Robert Bernardo
Fresno Commodore User Group - http://www.dickestel.com/fcug.htm
Southern California Commodore & Amiga Network - http://www.portcommodore.com/sccan
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Aug. 11-12 Commodore Vegas Expo v14 2018 - http://www.portcommodore.com/commvex
Posted By

on 2018-05-27
 Re: New Game: Magic Blocks

Question- what are you using to create your charsets?
Posted By

on 2018-06-15
 Re: New Game: Magic Blocks

Retro Gamer 182 gives a rich worthy 86% to Magic Blocks, congrats!
Posted By

on 2018-06-16
 Re: New Game: Magic Blocks

I use CBM prg Studio's charset editor to create charsets and the sprite editor to create the sprites (128er port of Magic Blocks). Easy to use and you can see the the results on my webpage looking at my mockups.

@Retro Gamer 182
waoh, 86% for a BASIC game?! I'm feeling honored. happy

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