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Posted By

on 2018-04-01
 Keyboard/ joystick issues

I'm having a bit of an issue with keyboard/joystick interactions.
My level designer uses a combination of keyboard and joystick inputs. However when I press
Right I get joystick right + 4 on the keyboard
Up I get joystick left + 3 on the keyboard
Left and down are fine.

not sure what I'm doing wrong.

Posted By

on 2018-04-01
 Re: Keyboard/ joystick issues

Are you using an emulator? Joystick 1 is 5/6/R/D + T for fire and Joystick 2 is 3/4/W/A + Shift for fire - so perhaps you have cursor keys mapped to the joystick?

Posted By

on 2018-04-01
 Re: Keyboard/ joystick issues

I'm using Yape but the joystick is set for USB and no keys are defined, or so I thought.

Well that would definitely explain it!
Thanks happy

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