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on 2016-12-28
 Matatu 264 - a little christmas gift for all 264er fans

At Forum64, we (bugjam, Bytebreaker, Haubitze, JeeK, Hexworx and myself) -with the help of Mac Bacon, Sink and Unseen- created a card game for the Commodore 64, Matatu. Matatu is an african card game similar to MaoMao but with some differents.

MaoMao - 7 = take 2 cards from stack
Matatu - 7 with the color of first card from stack = cut

MaoMao - 2 = not avaible
Matatu - 2 = take 2 cards from stack

More information about the rules are in the txt file.

So, after work last few weeks, we could finalized and send to the promo group Hokuto Force, an italian group. They added a nice graphic to the game. Take a look or grab it from here: http://csdb.dk/release/?id=152375

Well, after the finalizing i ported this game to our lovely Commodore 264 (+4, 16/116). It runs very fast for a BASIC card game. Our version did not have that graphic screen from Hokuto Force!

In the 7Z file there is:
- the prg to load directly into emulator (or copy to real hardware)
- the source code as textfile (copy&paste works in VICE but you need to copy the half and paste it, then the rest because its to big)
- the rules as textfile (short rules are in game, too)

Download from my site: Matatu264
The files are uploaded with the new Site Uploader from +4 World, too!

Posted By

on 2016-12-28
 Re: Matatu 264 - a little christmas gift for all 264er fans

Pretty cool little game, seems to work well. When the player loses against the computer, the "congratulations" seems a bit sarcastic wink

Otherwise, the two minor complaints I have: one pair of POKEs that are C=64 specific got left in (line 8001/8005). This is a minor oversight that doesn't affect anything. Second, it seems that targeting the C16 should have been possible, it's a pity that 16K folks can't run this.

Big thanks for the Plus/4 port!
Posted By

on 2016-12-29
 Re: Matatu 264 - a little christmas gift for all 264er fans

Yes, thx for the info. The 8001 and 8005 POKE should de-/activate the screen (adress 65286). Thx for removing! happy And the game is only for 64kb not for 32kb because the charset is set to 49152 ($c000).

I fixed this and uploaded it to my webpage.
Posted By

on 2016-12-29
 Re: Matatu 264 - a little christmas gift for all 264er fans

Moreover, there's a semicolon on line 3000 that shouldn't be there too wink Anyway, releasing Matatu GDF I fixed the former version, added the HF graphics and the original docs, just some training in order to reboost ye olde cracktro grin
Posted By

on 2016-12-30
 Re: Matatu 264 - a little christmas gift for all 264er fans

Lol, why should that semicolon not be there? Its for the first line of screen. And, nice screen/crack, big thx happy
Posted By

on 2016-12-30
 Re: Matatu 264 - a little christmas gift for all 264er fans

"matatu_gdf.prg" is an unfortunate name for yape... Starting it with doubleclicking, yape recognizes "_G..." as a start address, and breaks.
Posted By

on 2016-12-30
 Re: Matatu 264 - a little christmas gift for all 264er fans

KiCHY: yes I checked it and I've laughed grin YAPE doesn't break, it performs G 00DF if the program is autoloaded, so simply exit from monitor and "RUN" it, or load it the regular way with F8, YAPE serves the users not vice versa wink Hey the first time it occured I thought I was dreaming grin

RKSoft: the semicolon merges the PRINTed sentence with the next one, resulting in this screen:

Anyway, that semicolon doesn't appear in the original C64 file too:

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on 2016-12-30
 Re: Matatu 264 - a little christmas gift for all 264er fans

@Luca: I exactly know what yape does. It tries to execute a "MONITOR" command, then a "G00DF" and the execution: breaks! That's how I meant, I just didn't think I have to explain it with more than two words happy
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on 2016-12-30
 Re: Matatu 264 - a little christmas gift for all 264er fans

Oh beg your pardon, ain't able to catch it at first, my bad.
Posted By

on 2016-12-31
 Re: Matatu 264 - a little christmas gift for all 264er fans

arrghh, you mean the semicolon in the print after that IF...THEN. I thought you mean it before ^^. Sorry, my mistake wink

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