Posted By
MMS on 2016-12-28 04:19:44
| Re: The C64 game, Unknown Realm, on Kickstarter (Plus/4 port possible?)
OFF Actually, I have an 1571, but is does not grant more space, just a little more comfort on a C128.
It can work with Plus/4 in double sided mode, but in that mode my Flippy discs second side become unreadible due to different rotation direction (logically)
So a release in 1571 format is completely useless, as the second side become incompatible at once with the massive volume of 1541/1541/II and even 1570 drives. (as they cannot read the second side by default, and flipping of the disc does not help -they cannot read it)
So a release in "flippy disc" or 1581 format makes sense, mainly the later.
1581 release (D81) makes sense only if distributed in elecronic, downloadable/buyable form for emulators. Why: "Physical only" 1581 release will reduce the potential buyers to <10% of the original number. This is clearly against high sales volume. In this year I wanted to buy an 1581 (for a fair price), but this drive became really rare and expensive (fortunately the external PSU cancels the 110/230V issue, as I have an 1541/II with European external PSU). (maybe I will look for that kit in 2017 that could be used with Mitsumi 3.5" PC drives)
// switch on 1571 double sided mode OPEN 15,8,15,"U0>M1" CLOSE 15
// switch on 1541 mode OPEN 15,8,15,"U0>M0" CLOSE 15