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on 2016-09-20
 Next FCUG meeting - Sunday, Sept. 25

G'day, C= and Ami aficionados!

The Fresno Commodore User Group has its next meeting from 11 a.m. to 2+ p.m., Sunday, Sept. 25 at --

Bobby Salazar's Mexican Restaurant
2839 North Blackstone Ave. (corner of Blackstone and Michigan)
Fresno, California
(559) 227-1686

For discussion, I will report on my travels to the Sydney Amiga User Group, the Adelaide Amiga & Retro-Computing Event, and the Amiga User Group of Victoria (Melbourne). In keeping with the Australian theme, we'll look at the latest Reset (C64) magazine, and the GEOS/C64/C128 booklets from Jane M. Voskamp (JMV Graphics).

In software, we'll try to run the C64 disks, Aussie Games (think Summer Games/Winter Games). For the Plus/4, we'll try out Thrust (which I saw running at the Amiga User Group meeting of Victoria (Melbourne)).

Though not confirmed, we may have a special guest - coming all the way from Sacramento, Chris Brenner who developed the classic Digimaster 64 audio-capturing software. He wants to talk about a special FPGA project of his.

Writing from Sydney, Australia,
Robert Bernardo
Fresno Commodore User Group

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