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on 2016-09-19
 Next SCCAN meeting - Saturday, Sept. 24

Greetings from cool and cloudy South Australia, C= and Ami comrades!

The next meeting of the Southern California Commodore & Amiga Network is Saturday, Sept. 24, from 2 to 4+ p.m. at

Panera Bread Restaurant
19662 Nordhoff Street
Northridge, California
(818) 407-9400

For this meeting, I bring in Trevor Dickinson's video made for the Sydney Amiga User Group and the Amiga User Group of Victoria (Melbourne), and also we'll see Trevor's presentation at the September 16 Adelaide Amiga & Retro-Computing Event. Trevor Dickinson is the head of A-EON, the company which produces the AmigaOne X1000 and the AmigaOne X5000.

Taking the cue from my Australian C= buddies, we'll try out the relatively new, modded, C64 games from Nostalgia - Commando Arcade SE (based on Commando) and Ghosts'n Goblins Arcade (based on Ghosts'n Goblins). As usual, we'll also have a VIC-20, Plus/4, and Amiga 1200 for members' use.

Bring anything else you wish to share!

Writing from Melbourne,
Robert Bernardo
Southern California Commodore & Amiga Network

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