Posted By
MMS on 2016-05-20 18:09:44
| Re: Mouse for Plussy
Dear Patrick, It is a very nice offer from you! I do not know, how tigh the cover is, but if you could open it, and could make a photoe, it would be great.
As per my best knowledge, Plus/4 cannot get proper mouse handling via it's din port, as no analog PotX and PotY signals exist on TED. (So, the shape of the connector does not play a role here.)
it may happen, that the mouse movement converted to directions (like a joystick) by this adaptor, but C=1350 and 1351 mouses both have joystick modes (exactly the same as a jystick, just gives directions), no theroretically NO converter needed for that, just a usual Joy adapter (lthough, I do not know, what it may cause to TED on a long term).