Posted By
MMS on 2016-05-20 15:02:01
| Re: Mouse for Plussy
OK, let's summazize: -FLI: closed out (I cannot guarantee, that the IRQ and the 3 bytes do not come during visible raster lines. so it may cause gliches as very precise timing is crucial here. BTW with some smarter programming the three bytes can be read and stored temporarily, and the bitbanging could happen when we have borderlines ) -Digi SID Emu: closed out already too heavy overload on CPU -Heavy raster demos very exact timing. Hard to manage convert to real coordinates in case tight rastertimes
Probably can use RS232 mouse without major issues: -Native SID playback, like SID trackers -Utilities, eg. disc managers -CAD programs (AutoCAD 2016 +4 LOL) -GUIs (GEOS) -BASIC programs Austrospeed copiled ones could have some troubles, I guess...