Posted By
gerliczer on 2016-05-20 01:35:23
| Re: Mouse for Plussy
OFF @Csabo: What are you saying? Searching by themselves are only for the weak. Tough guys never try to do it, they always ask. It would cost them valuable 10s of seconds to locate such ridiculous things like a search box or link. (And I wouldn't even dare to think they would ever humiliate themselves by using something esoteric like search_term in google.) /OFF
@RS232 mouse I think, even though the plus/4 has usable hardware support for it, connecting a serial mouse directly is even more of a waste of resources than reading a 1351 mouse with SID. SID AD conversion needs 2000 around cycles, IIRC, but at least you don't have to poll it and surely won't mess up you IRQ scheme.