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on 2002-12-28
 About the VIC...

Lando said:
I find it funny how people do go on as if the Vic20 was the daddy of the C64. C16/Plus4 out done it in every way

Well, it depends on how you see it. The VIC-20 *was* the daddy of the C64 simply because the 64 was an extension of the VIC-20 concept: an affordable color computer with sound and good graphics. Don't forget the timeline here:
VIC-20 : 1981
C64 : 1982
C16/Plus4 : 1984

Of course the C16/Plus4 outdid the VIC. When Commodore designed it they had all the experience gained from designing two generations (even three if you count the PET line) of computers. And the C16 was actually supposed to replace the VIC-20 as the low-end home computer while the Plus/4 would be an alternative to the C64 for the people who wanted an office computer instead of a games machine. Remeber that Commodore always designed their machines with the American market in mind. With the higher American incomes in mind, the C64 was a low-cost alternative to the Apple II and the Tandy Color Computer, while the C16 really was dirt cheap.

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