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on 2015-12-06
 Computer Saver from Ray Carlsen

On Sun, May 4, 2014 7:48 pm, I wrote:

Ray Carlsen now offers three versions of the Computer Saver. There
is the $25 Computer Saver module that a user can install in their own
computer, there is the $35 Computer Saver cable (without LED indicators)
version, and there is the $50, original, case-mounted Computer Saver (with
LED indicators). To read more about Computer
Saver and to see pictures, go to

Ray Carlsen now has one webpage that lists all his newly-improved Computer Savers and adapter cables for Commodores. Go to


The current prices are listed there. Check out the new mid-line Computer Saver for the Commodore Plus/4.

Merry Christmas,
Robert Bernardo
Fresno Commodore User Group

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