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on 2015-03-11
 Next FCUG meeting - Sunday, March 15

Happy Spring Break, C= and Ami aficionados!

The Fresno Commodore User Group has its next meeting from 11 a.m. to 1+ p.m., Sunday, March 15 at --

Bobby Salazar's Mexican Restaurant
2839 North Blackstone Ave. (corner of Blackstone and Michigan)
Fresno, California

This month we discuss Commodore/Amiga at the upcoming events -- the Vintage Computer Festival East in April, Maker Faire 2015 in May, the Commodore Vegas Expo v11 in mid-July, and the Amiga 30th Anniversary at the Computer History Museum in late-July.

On the presentation side of the meeting we concentrate on the Commodore 128, looking at following items -- Graphic Booster 128, Fast Hack'em 128, CP/m Kit (with its version of Chess), D128it, Star Painter 128, Spraypaint 128, Loadstar 128, GEOS 128, and Wheels 128. If the programs handle it, they'll be going through a SuperCPU 128. Too much, you say? You're right! Any items not covered at this meeting will be covered at the May meeting.

Of course, we'll have a VIC-20, Plus/4, and even an Amiga 3000 at the meeting, just in case you need more than the C128. happy

Celebrating 30 years of the C128,
Robert Bernardo
Fresno Commodore User Group
July 18-19 Commodore Vegas Expo v11 -

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