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on 2015-01-27
 Re: Site matters

Something I've wanted to say for along time but don't really want to put the work load on you. I'll say it though so it's something to think about, and if you like the idea then there is no rush to do it. I'm not saying you must do it, it's something that might be worth looking in too...

It would be better if the Tape section was replaced with a Commercial Software section instead. Just like looking at the A-Z of Games, this new section would show all commercial software (only) from around the world, not just games but tools, demo as in Winter Demo, desktop publishing, art, music, turbo loaders that were commercially released ect...
Sometimes when you dig about online to see what people say you see the odd time that people think that Plus/4 World is hardwork because the commercial stuff they might be after also shows 10 different homebrew remakes of the same thing, or something is listed completely different because it's nothing more than a renamed crack which joe bloggs saved to a floopy for a laugh so it's stuck ever since. In short, to see the commercial stuff you have to dig through everything else inbetween when your looking at the Games section.

Before anyone gets upset or may not understand what I'm saying... it is perfectly fine listing anything and everything as this is what the site is mostly about, just a dedicated commercial software only A-Z listing would make things easier for anyone or everyone.

The tape section is not needed any more any way as each software page contains everything you need, and much more. Really the tapes section was here to cover commercial stuff but with some tapes still missing it will never contain a full list of everything there was. That's why I think it's better to have a section for commercial software.

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