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on 2014-11-04
 [Preview 1/2] New game from an old bud of us

Our friend Data-Land from Germany is close to release his new game, and it will be a C64 and Plus/4 production!

The game will be first released for C64, at that point the author will release the Plus/4 version after 2 weeks, in order to have some valid statistics about the overall contacts the game will have for personal purpose...yes, you have to be patient wink
Posted By

on 2014-11-14
 Re: [Preview 1/2] New game from an old bud of us

Data-Land just sent us an update, the announcement for the C64 version is now public and can be viewed here:

The Plus/4 version is coming soon, we'll keep you posted happy

Update: Data-Land just informed us that the official release date for the Plus/4 Version of his new game is December 5. Stay tuned happy
Posted By

on 2014-12-23
 Re: [Preview 1/2] New game from an old bud of us

A very professional blackjack implementation, the best so far. Congrats!

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