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on 2014-08-12
 Commodore Free issue 82 available

---------------- Original message ------------------
From: Nigel Parker
Date: Mon, August 11, 2014 1:09 pm

Commodore Free Magazine

Issue 82

Free to download magazine
dedicated to Commodore computers
Available as PDF, ePUB, MOBI, HTML,
TXT, SEQ and D64 disk image


* Editorial
* Commodore Free E-Cover Tape #15
* General News
- World of Commodore 2013 Videos
- Programmable Logic I PLA & PAL
- World of Jani Website
- Finnish Retro Game Comparisons
- Paula Powered - Vivienne Westwood
* C64 News
- Jonathan Temples Interview
- Chameleon 64 - 9a
- Games That Weren't 64 Updates
- C64 Network Game in Playtesting!
- gateWay Manual Resurrected
- GLINK 232 Cartridge
- Relaunch 64 Version 3.0 Released
- Striketerm 2014 Released
- D64 Editor Updates
- Sokoban For The C64
- Commodore 64 And The Internet
- Commando Arcade Released
- Komoda Issue 9 Released In Polish
- C65 Using FPGA
- ArnoDash Number 21 Released
- Simple Writer V1.0 Released
- Game Corner Q2/2014 Released
* C16 & Plus/4 News
- Note-Game - Plus/4
- Club Info Issue 134 Released
* VIC 20 News
- VIC 20 Games
- Pulse Tape Release Delayed
* PET News
- Revival Studios News
* Amiga News
- Amiga Forever 2014
- AROS Vision 2.6.1 Released
- A-EON to Distribute DVPlayer
- New Products at Amedia Computer
- A-EON Acquires Amiga.org
- MUI 3.9 Released for AmigaOS 3.x
- 880 Gamer Issue 3 Released
- FlipPaper Updated
- Hollywood Documentation Available
- Interview with Szilard Biro
- Artist H.R. Giger Passes
- The Best of MorphOS
- XU4 - Ultima IV Recreated
- Dopus 5.90 is Released
- Pinomania & Termite TCP Download
- MUI Royale 1.1 Released
- WinUAE 2.8.0 Released
- Official AmigaOS Doc Wiki
- Yerzmyey - Rave is illegal!
* GEOS and Wheels Programming
* Commodore: 1 -- Church: 0
* Interview With Paul Gardner-Stephen
* Interview With Melon64 SysAdmin
* Review: SD2IEC Drive
* Assembly Line - $05: PRIMM

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