Posted By
MIK on 2014-05-16 07:22:40
| Re: When Are The Plus/4 Family Of Computers Considered To Be Dead ?
We used to have PET's a school, but because of the limited nature of them at the time they were quickly replaced by BBC Micro's. The PET's remained in the corner of our Maths room not being used right up to spring of 1987 when I left the school. The BBC's were great for one thing, it introduced me to a game called Thrust! I so wanted it to be released on our platform. My prayers were answered a couple of years later though! Thrust is one of my most sacred games on our system, it's worth nothing and is cheap to buy when it shows up but the fact it was ever ported at a time when I had given up hope makes it special in more ways than one, and it's the version I enjoy the most!
As for claims of dead machines and people giving up on them, they obviously don't have a clue what they are doing. Very rare your ever find such talk in these parts and this is the longest running C16/Plus4 website where people could talk to each other via a forum. That would be most peoples first port of call, find any site that is all about the machine.
There is even a guy on that will fix C64, C16/Plus4's, Vic20 ect... for a fixed price so if people have given up they should send them to him. Where there's a will there's a way.
PS. Some of us I'm sure are starting to worry about you in general, negative stuff as if you may suffer from some anxiety disorder? I would be the first to admit I do but don't want to be reminded of it by someone else haha! Enjoy what you have and worry about if and when any machine dies when it happens. Having spares saves the hassle there and then, work on fixing the faulty machines afterwards! Limits the need to worry.