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on 2014-04-12
 Re: Wanted 1551 in The Netherlands :-) And pic of my 264 stuf

If your on PC then I'm sure Windows Paint will allow you to resize your pictures at a basic level, going from big to smaller makes a better picture as well. Taking a small sized picture is the maximum res it will ever be so not always good. 640x480 is more than perfect as a size to post. happy

When ever you click to make a post or reply your see a little link above called "Forum Help", open that in another window and you see many of the short cuts for smiles, how to make links clickable and even auto link stuff. If your talking about something you know is on the site such as software and you know it by it's site name then you can put it in double brackets and once saved all the hardwork of doing the HTML link will be done for you, this is at the bottom of the Forum Help page how to make words auto link...

and on the subject of software,
Hard to say what would be the holy grail of Commercial Software of the day on our systems...
Mercenary is one of the top 10 Commodore 64 games of all time, that in it self could make it a possible contender on our system, but it would have to be the floppy disc version rather than the tape as the one to own. Very rare indeed.
When it comes to platform games as most systems have one to shout about it's Mayhem in Monsterland for the C64, for us and I would say it should be judged in the same light it's Tom Thumb but it's never been a valuable title because the masses don't understand what it is and that's a problem with a lot of Commercial stuff on our system. Sit tight and your get an original for next to nothing some times, all the better for those who want such stuff. happy
One of the most collectable titles money can buy today is... The big box version of Cuthbert Enters The Tombs Of Doom, right now this is as close as you can get to a holy grail for a C16 and guess what? A handful of these showed up on ebay.co.uk just before xmas 2013, (Brand New) and if you look today there is still a copy for sale! Holy Grail's go for the many hundreds of pounds on C64 such as Last Ninja Remix on Cartridge but as luck would have it Mayhem in Monsterland was released again in 2009 so people could buy it officially and around the same price it was back in 1993!
Cuthbert in recent times has had a price drop and can be yours for next to nothing or rather 30 UK pounds. Your still need to like the game at it's current price before you buy it because as I said, the masses don't understand and your be left with something not many will want to buy at the price you did, unless the right person comes along and they are rare. wink

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