Posted By
Luca on 2014-03-31 07:04:25
| Re: Magic Desk for the Plus/4
From SWC:
"One intriguing option ROM idea, unfortunately never completed, was the Magic Desk II option ROM set. Commodore press releases detailed the option ROM as an updated version of the original 64 cartridge, with "Lisa-like" pulldown menus and icons. It was even supposed to have speech synthesis functions when used with the Magic Voice cartridge, which, since the Magic Voice device was intended for the 64, implies that Commodore was also mulling over a Magic Desk II version for that platform as well. However, the prevailing opinion in Commodore's RandD labs was that the original Magic Desk was little better than a toy application, and an update equally useless. It isn't known if programming even actually commenced on the Magic Desk II project, but Bil Herd in On the Edge comments that Jim Butterfield was demonstrating a 264 and Magic Desk (p336), although this could have been a cross-ported Magic Desk and Jim doesn't really remember."