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on 2014-02-15
 Commodore Free issue 77 released! (fwd)

----------------- Original Message ------------------
Subject: Commodore Free
From: Nigel Parker

       Commodore Free Magazine

              Issue 77

      Free-to-download magazine
  dedicated to Commodore computers
Available as PDF, ePUB, MOBI, HTML,
     TXT, SEQ and D64 disk image


* Editorial
* Reader's Comments
* Commodore Free E-Cover Tape #10
* General News
  - QLink Recordings
  - Printable 1541 Ultimate Case
  - VICE Emulator Online
  - C64 Studio Updated
* C64 News
  - Head On and Comet Chat 1.5
  - Computer Club 2 C64
  - WOW C64 Surround Sound
* VIC 20 News
  - VIC-20 Flash Memory Expansion
  - DOOM VIC 20
  - Pooyan(20) Released For The VIC
  - VIC Tunnel Released
  - Fast Boy and Bolder Dan Released
* Plus/4 News
  - The NST's Monitor Extension
* PET News
  - Editors ROM
* Amiga News
  - Amiga Emulation In Chrome Browser
  - TurboFlyer 530
  - Putty Squad Coming To Amiga
  - WinUAE Updated 2.7.0
  - Never Been So Much Fun
* Review: Bomberland
* Interview With Samar Productions
* Review: Fastboy for the VIC 20
* Review: Bolder Dan for the VIC 20
* Interview With Misfit
* Review: Pooyan for the VIC 20
* Interview With Adrian Fox
* The Assembly Line - Part $00

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