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on 2014-01-27
 HJD games

HJD Games is a collection of some games, part of them from German mags'typing in, part from scratch. Some of their .PRGs stored here were packed ones, hence I've loaded a couple of those in order to see which one to change with the original file, and where to add a missing titlescreen snapshot around this shore wink

What I've seen is: two of them (Xelien and Firelab) come in two different versions, a first one with a simple titlescreen where the title flickers in different colours, and an advanced one, with rasterbars. Firelab's latter version has its own rasterbars, whereas Xelien's latter version shows the famous 'Hungarian-flag' moving rasterbars we've seen in several other demos (Ghost, to say one...).

One particular has to be put in evidence: there's another game in that collection with the same classic rasterbars, Maniac Garden, which nonetheless exists in that version only.
We can argue that Xelien and Firelab had been previously published on paper magazines, then released in the collection with those additional touches, Maniac Garden, which had never been published on mags, had directly benefited of the famous moving rasterbars.

All this has true bases only if our D64 of HJD Games is a real one, and not a reassembled D64 from various games.
A confirmation of this hypothesis from German users would be appreciated.

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