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Posted By

on 2013-04-19
 Gutted is not the word...

What a week!

I've wanted a nice Plus/4 set up with 1551 disk drive for 25 years now (had the +4 but not the drive). FINALLY got one off ebay (paid arm and a leg for it!), ordered some floppies and was ready to write some D64 images from my SD2IEC to the 1551. I just needed to change the device number of the SD2IEC, so I followed the advice on this thread



OPEN 15,8,15,"U0>"+CHR$(9)
close 15

As suggested and my +4 just locked up with garbage on the screen. Tried rebooting it and turning it off/on, now it's just a black screen.

Dead TED or CPU seems to be the common answer, noooo!

I was SO close to finally experiencing my dream +4 set up that I've wanted since I got my Plus/4 in 1987

How could that command fry my computer?

Posted By

on 2013-04-19
 Re: Gutted is not the word...

Unlucky Nightmare! I've had it happen and I'm sure many people have. A second hand Plus/4 gives up the ghost after being powered on for a short while, from maybe not being used for many years!
Something I can not explain but it's happened to me once before now with a second hand P4. Everything was running sweet and then BOOM, black screen. Never fixed it as I'm running out of dead machines to fix working ones.

Sounds like the CPU.

Really sorry to hear this and I can feel your pain. Very sorry!

Posted By

on 2013-04-19
 Re: Gutted is not the word...

You think it is the CPU?

I assumed TED so I ordered one off ebay that claims to be working. If I flick the machine off and on quickly I do get some trash graphical output. I do have a non-working C16 that hasn't been used for about 20 years so maybe the CPU from that will work if not, it is at my parents though.

Posted By

on 2013-04-19
 Re: Gutted is not the word...

Oh my Plus/4 was not second hand though and has been in constant use since 1987, just seemed to die when I issued that command:

OPEN 15,8,15,"U0>"+CHR$(9)
close 15

Posted By

on 2013-04-19
 Re: Gutted is not the word...

If you can see anything on the screen right now such as messed up text and stuff then I would of gone for the TED also but a totally black screen is normally the CPU.

I'm just wondering as I don't have a SD2IEC that maybe it did not like the 1551 and it is the SD2IEC that caused the damage as you tried to operate it? I don't honestly know.

Posted By

on 2013-04-19
 Re: Gutted is not the word...

It could have been.

I basically want to make the 1551 unit 9 and the SD2IEC unit 8 so I can write D64 files to disk. I don't have a 1541 so this is the only way I can write disks.

I won't be trying the command again though if the new TED works!

Wondering how I can do it though...

Posted By

on 2013-04-19
 Re: Gutted is not the word...

Does the Plus/4 mind you having say a 1551 and a 1541 hooked up together?

Just making sure it didn't fry due to the serial and cartridge port both overloading TED or something?

I could do hardware mod to the 1551 to make it unit 9 then the SD2IEC should default to 8 hopefully.

Just very nervous about ruining another TED!

Posted By

on 2013-04-19
 Re: Gutted is not the word...

I have only ever used 1541's so not sure on the 1551 side of things. Some of the other guys who post here should know.

I'm with you on that one, TED's are too precious. Annoying. Hope you get it sorted.

Posted By

on 2013-04-19
 Re: Gutted is not the word...

Thanks, I may just play it safe and buy a 1541 and use d64it on my C64 to write plus/4 disks...

Posted By

on 2013-04-20
 Re: Gutted is not the word...

If you do look for a 1541 then I can assure you both models work on the C16/Plus4. I use a 1541 MkII mostly as it's smaller size is more convenient as it allows me to have it setup 24/7.

Only other advice I can offer is to make sure you put some heat sink compound on the new TED. I have a spare heat sink I want to put inside my Plus/4 but it's from a P4 PC and won't fit sadly. wink

Posted By

on 2013-04-20
 Re: Gutted is not the word...

since I think to have experience with 1551 I suggest you some tips:
1) Unit 1551 #9 can work only if a unit 1551 #8 is connected and turned on. This means that a 1551 #9 cannot work even if a 1541 #8 is connected to Plus4;
2) The drives (any type) have to be turned on and initialized *before* to turn on the Plus4;
3) What do you see if you turn on the Plus4 without no disk-cable connected?

Posted By

on 2013-04-20
 Re: Gutted is not the word...


Ah ok, so how could I write d64 images from the sd card to 1551?

With no peripherals attached I just get black screen now. If I rapidly turn power off and on then I see corrupted graphics on screen.

My plus 4 is totally unusable since I issued that open command.

I am awaiting new TED chip, I am nervous about repeating the mistake and ruining another TED though.

Posted By

on 2013-04-20
 Re: Gutted is not the word...


Ah ok, so how could I write d64 images from the sd card to 1551?

You can set 1551 as dev#8 and 1541 as dev#10. To do this:
1) Set 1541 (or SD2IEC) as dev#10 (is it HW settable? Maybe by deepswitches), then turn it on;
2) Turn on 1551 and leave it as dev#8;
3) Turn on Plus4;
4) Copy disk.

I am awaiting new TED chip, I am nervous about repeating the mistake and ruining another TED though.

If you have a spare Plus4 or a C16, you can test your suspected chips by pushing them on the spare Plus4 (Care to not do the contrary). In this way you can understand what is the burnt chip without to risk.

If I rapidly turn power off and on then I see corrupted graphics on screen.

I bet on TED problems. Anyway this actions really can damage the chips :-/ After turned off, always leave 20 secs before to turn on, in order to let capacitors discharge.

Hoping to have helped

Posted By

on 2013-04-25
 Re: Gutted is not the word...

Well I bought new TED at a premium price off eBay and problem remains, must be CPU

Anyone got an 8701 for sale?

Price of used Plus/4 and C16 is very high in eBay now, around £70-150!

Posted By

on 2013-04-26
 Re: Gutted is not the word...

Usually, on every retro/8bit forum there is a "hardware guru" wink a guy who repairs old machines (for money obviously) and people send him computers to fix - even from various countries.

Hm. Do we actually have such a person on the Forum?

Posted By

on 2013-04-26
 Re: Gutted is not the word...

Umm, I can put my hand up for that.

I wrote Diag264 and have repaired many 264 machines, including for a couple of people here. I don't charge for time - only parts and postage - as I do it because I enjoy it.

Unfortunately though, my supply of 8501's and 8360's is dwindling fast. This time last year I had about 15 spare cpu's but I've been asked for 3 this week alone.

The prohibitive part could also be postage - I live in Switzerland and it's not the cheapest place for postage. (Thinking about it, it's not the cheapest for anything actually)

If you're in the EU, you can post to my parents in the UK though, they come out here or I go back to the UK 3 or 4 times a year, so that could be an option.

WRT to the problem, the cpu is just as prone as the TED to a premature death, and a likely cause of your black screen but it is not the only thing. The kernal, PLA, *any* ram chip, any component in the reset circuit or the crystal will also cause the same effect, so don't lose hope yet.

cheers, Rob

Posted By

on 2013-04-27
 Re: Gutted is not the word...

Wish I could help also but I'm at the point I would have to give up machines to do it now. Something I can't afford to do as I don't have enough for my self, it feels that way as I have a couple of each C16/Plus4 working machines now and that's it.

Posted By

on 2013-04-27
 Re: Gutted is not the word...

@crock Ah nice to hear you do have some left, I think I messages you on Facebook last week, hope I got the right Rob.

I'm based in the uk so postage might not be too bad if you did have any for sale still?

Posted By

on 2013-04-27
 Re: Gutted is not the word...

@Nightmare - pm'd you on FB.

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