Posted By
 Csabo on 2012-12-17 14:01:30
| Deadline
>examine mailbox In the mailbox you find Deadline.
>get deadline Taken.
>examine deadline After careful examination, you conclude that Deadline is a new converted game by gc841. It's Infocom's 3rd title, one that was never ported to Plus/4. The game is a murder mystery, you control a detective who has 12 hours to solve the death of a wealthy industrialist. The game requires disk drive and takes up one full side.
>help You find that the original C64 manual has been scanned and is available for your perusal. You also notice that the original covers have been added for completeness sake.
>contemplate You ponder, consider and reflect upon all things. You decide that the next step is to download the game and heap kudos on the people responsible for it on our forums. |
Posted By
 Luca on 2012-12-17 14:01:30
 | Re: Deadline
Gary Cooper's xmas gift!  |
Posted By
 MIK on 2012-12-18 02:09:09
 | Re: Deadline
Looks like some one had a tear of joy typing that lot. 
Way to go gc841.  |
Posted By
 Ati on 2012-12-18 07:13:04
| Re: Deadline
Good work guy!  |
Posted By
 marcos64 on 2012-12-18 10:05:14
| Re: Deadline
What a cristmas gift!
It is possible to have this game, or any other of the Infoconn titles, in the colour scheme of the C64 "Golden Edition" versions (white text and black background)? I've tried it with the Plus/4 version of Zork I but no luck, the status line disappears  I want it because I found it more relaxed for my eyes.
In any case a great work! Thank you.  |
Posted By
 Csabo on 2012-12-18 10:44:55
| Re: Deadline
Are you playing it on an emulator? If so, it's an easy change. Once the game is running, go to monitor (ALT+M) and type the following: >FF15 71 (background color white) >FF19 71 (border color white) >053B 00 (ink color black)
The border is optional. I haven't tested this with any other games, but I suspect they should work just fine. |
Posted By
 marcos64 on 2012-12-18 16:06:55
| Re: Deadline
Csabo: Thank you! I only play in real hardware, a C16+64KB. I've tried to modify the D64 image with a hex editor and then transfer it to a real 5,25" disk and everything is OK (white ink and black border and background) but the status line disappears. Well, I supose it is there but everything is black  |
Posted By
 Gaia on 2012-12-18 17:17:26
| Re: Deadline
New conversion! W00t!
marcos64: try grey  |
Posted By
 gc841 on 2012-12-19 19:01:02
| Re: Deadline
I'd just like to thank Csabo for taking time to test Deadline. marcos64: The status bar should be visible using white on black, try the following updates to the D64 image (for Deadline, I'm not sure about the other Infocom titles):
(track 17 / sector 16)
byte: value 2e : 71 33 : 00 5a : ea 5b : ea 5c : ea aa : 71
Any problems, just let me know. |
Posted By
 marcos64 on 2012-12-20 16:29:03
| Re: Deadline
gc841: I've done what you say and everything seems to work OK.
Now I've a black and white version of a Infocom game for my C16. I can use the 'green mode' of the 1084S and with the terminal-like cursors of the C16 it's really retro 
And it is better for my eyes.
I hope I'll have enough free time this christmas to play it on the real hardware.
Thank you very much for this and for Sabre Wulf too! |
Posted By
 marcos64 on 2012-12-29 12:40:27
| Re: Deadline
I've been playing for the last days and I've noticed a couple of things.
You can move the cursor freely and this can give some strange results if you do an error. Also the F-keys are still active, maybe its a good idea to program them like in "Rebel Planet" or simply deactivate them.
And yesterday this error happened at the begining of the game.
But, after this, I was able to continue without any other problem.
Anyway, I don't complain, I'm happy how it is  |
Posted By
 gc841 on 2013-01-03 18:08:53
| Re: Deadline
Hi marcos64, the error you saw occurred during a block read (U1), where data is read from the disk to the drive. I assume that you were running on real hardware, so I suspect that it was a disk or drive problem. If this was a bug in the software, I would expect to see it repeated in an emulator. The Infocom games do tend to make a lot of reads to the drive, so for that reason I recommend playing it on an emulator.
As regards the cursor and function keys problem, it would be an improvement to fix this. I'll look into it soon. |