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on 2000-02-13
 What is the Best C16 - Plus4 game ?

Hard to choose, but I'll have too vote for TOM THUMB.
Posted By

Mad Scotsman
on 2000-02-18

Must agree, Trailblazer was superb on C16.
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Dan Wood
on 2000-02-16
 Best Game

Gonna be controvesial here, I never liked Tom Thumb :)

My faves were Bridgehead and Treasure Island, followed closely by Kikstart and Fire Ant, classix.

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Peter Gyorffy
on 2000-02-16

Not soo haaard to choose ;)
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on 2000-02-15
 Tom Thumb

I think Tom Thumb is the best game for the C16/Plus4. It has brilliant code, excellent graphic and sound.

Posted By

on 2002-11-27
 Personal question

Hi Peter Gyorffy!

Are you _the_ Peter Gyorffy, worked on the Andrassy secondary school (in Miskolc) in the late of 80s?
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on 2002-11-27

The best game 7501-moved is definitely Csavargás A Gombák Birodalmában...
Unfortunately, it is only for Hungarian people
Posted By

Peter Gyorffy
on 2003-05-12


this Peter Gyorffy has never even been to Miskolc, avagy még sohasem voltam Miskolcon


Posted By

Clausen dk
on 2003-05-12
 Best C16 & +4 game ever

Hard to choose, I think.
I Loved (still do) to play Mr Puniverse from Mastertronic.
Posted By

on 2003-05-13
 Best Game Ever?

I always had a soft spot for Icicle Works wink

Posted By

on 2003-05-13
 no question

1. Elite and 2. Mercenary 3. ACE+4 ( I was a 3D freak already that time...)

Besides...Let's see... Arena3000 is great, once I was playing till some 300 levels... happy) Without cheat, of course. Even today, sometimes I play with it.
Posted By

on 2003-05-13
 Arena 3000

You guys realize this topic is originally 3 years old? happy Anyway, you have a point on Arena 3000!!! Once I achieved like a million points with it and I only stopped because my parents wanted to sleep (the computer was in their room those days). It's a great shooter happy And it was using bitmap graphics on a C16, that left ~2kb for the actual code...!
Posted By

on 2003-05-13
 Yep, old topic...

And If Arena3000 was really coded by this Rita girl, well, it would be great to find her also.... happy
Posted By

on 2003-05-13
 Lavina, 3D?

Well, I tried to play Ringwars for a long time, but no success
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on 2003-05-13

it is a mysterious game, actually, you can land on the planet!!!
Posted By

on 2003-05-13
 re: Icicle Works

Doug, have to agree with ya that Icicle Works is a much loved game happy

I see Boulder Dash DX has been released in the USA for Game Boy Advance, any chance of a GBA version of Icicle Works? wink
Posted By

on 2003-05-19
 The best

My favorite game was Xargon Wars - my little nephew play it now! I'd finished all standard levels and several at double speed. Other good games are Mercenary, ACE+4 (I played it with friend), Icicle works, Tresure Island, Twin Kingdom Valley and Cooler (I can't find this game in Internet - maybe someone knows something about it?). Boulder dash is good but I first tried it only in the 1997 on my emulator.
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on 2003-05-19

I almost left out the Twin Kingdom Walley!!! Yeah, you are right, it is one of my favourites, too. Too bad that Crown's picture version contains an annoying bug: When a creature leaves the place you are in, the prg does not tell which direction did it leave, so you cannot pursue easily everybody till its death..

So I finished it with the text only version... It's really cool.
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on 2003-05-19

It is not a bug, the original C64 version didn't have that feature either, they must have added it for the C16 version.
You can find the original here, they also have solutions and other stuff
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on 2003-05-19

anyway it is very annoying... And that is why I could not see some of the places in your version, because I always died... happy Because of this one thing. It is very important.
Posted By

Clausen dk
on 2003-05-20

-to post this question here (but I don't know where else to ask!).

I once had a Kingsoft-tape for the +4 called "Kingsoft 50", "Super 50", or something like that. It contained of 50 small basic/mc prgs.

Please reply, should u know where I can get it /download it !!!!
Posted By

on 2003-05-20
 Re: What is the Best C16 - Plus4 game ?

Clausen --> click me for a 2-disk set of small BASIC/ML programs for the C16. This is "King Size" A and B in one archive. I believe it to be comparable to the cassette you are looking for.
Posted By

on 2003-05-21
 Re: What is the Best C16 - Plus4 game ?

I've been playing Laser Squad for almost half a year with one of my friends happy That was very cool. Elite, Trailblazer was also good.
Posted By

on 2003-05-21

Clausen dk, I think I know the very one you mean and James C is right "King Size". It was released by a company called (which i can't remember correct) "Robtek ?" or something like that.

I wish I could remember because a school friend had it and I used to joke to him about it because they were all basic. wink
Posted By

on 2003-05-21
 Re: What is the Best C16 - Plus4 game ?

well, as you may have noticed (CH GOLD) we, with PAUL like LS very, very much. We even nowadays play against each other... :D
Posted By

Clausen dk
on 2003-05-21
 yep !!

Lando, u r absolutely right.
It was Robtek who released the games. The name of the package (tape) was King Size 50. -Guess I'll be spending some time with Google now.
Thank you all for the replies !!!l
Posted By

on 2003-05-21
 Robtek 50 games...

I just saw one for sale on ebay.de

As for the best C-16 game, I was always partial to Xcellor8. Probably not the best C-16 game ever, but I could play it for hours. If I could buy a copy now...
Posted By

on 2003-05-23
 Re: What is the Best C16 - Plus4 game ?

Nice find Mosh happy

I thought it was Robtek and I haven't seen that cover in many years! Did you know they also released a Turbo (which I don't have). If I remember correct the Turbo is the one as used by the game Who Dares Wins 2. When the Turbo loads it keeps the screen as it was, if you got smart you could create your own title loading screen wink
Posted By

Clausen dk
on 2003-05-24
 How to extract

I'm now trying to buy the Robtek King Size games-package, announced for sale on E-bay. But once I have the tape, a new problem will appear: How to extract to tape-prgs, so they can used with an emulator on a PC? -Guess that using an ordinary tape-recorder connected to audio-input won't work.

Please relpy, should you know how to solve this problem (any ideas are welcome).
Posted By

on 2003-05-24
 Re: What is the Best C16 - Plus4 game ?

I may already have all the games on .d64, but its their names I'm lacking.

Mike's Minus4 homepage can tell you how to create samples from the tape. Hit the ABOUT link from the top menu and you find How to make tapes.

Link: http://minus4.plus4.net/

The other option which isn't worth it is to copy all the BASIC by hand onto YAPE, you would die if you made a mistake. wink
Posted By

on 2003-05-24
 Re: Robtek A/B

I gave the link in a message earlier in this thread..... if that's not correct software, I have a tri-micro (us) release of a similar set of programs. I can pull the disks and give a listing of programs if needed.
Posted By

on 2003-06-06
 Hey Noro

Thanx for the map of XCellor8. Very cool dude. Wish I had one way back when I owned a copy of the game.

Cheers! happy
Posted By

on 2003-06-07
 Icicle Works

Guys, maybe you missed it, but I just want to call your attention up to the fact that the man, who suggested Icicle Works, was Doug Turner, the programmer of Icicle Works himself!!! happy
Posted By

on 2003-06-07
 Re: What is the Best C16 - Plus4 game ?

Yeah it's great to hear from the man himself. happy

And I don't blame Doug Turner for saying Icicle Works. It's amazing, this game was one of the first Plus/4 titles ever to be released and it still stands up as one of the best. Even at this ealry stage of the Plus/4 life you have to hand it to Doug, because not only was the game cool, the music/sound was rocking as well.

Icicle Works was a real showcase of a game to see what could be done with the machine.
Posted By

on 2003-06-08
 Re: What is the Best C16 - Plus4 game ?

You may have missed the point wink; neither did I blame him for that (in fact, the game is just like you said, a great classic piece and should be a great example of nice gfx, code and music -- and it's indeed a pretty early Plus/4 game). And I guess it's nice from someone like him here, at a forum, to say (as entry wink ) the title of his own game :D. It was just strange that noone catched up his head; "Doug Turner, the creator of Icicle Works, was here!!!" . For me, it was a surprise. ...Or it's just plain normal to meet him here; it's me who shouldn't be wondering wink.
Posted By

on 2003-06-10
 Re: What is the Best C16 - Plus4 game ?

You are right TLC! It missed also my attention! HAIL To Mr. Turner!!!
Posted By

on 2003-06-11
 Re: What is the Best C16 - Plus4 game ?

Doug is logged in and from time to time you may see his name at the bottom as he is now happy

If you guys missed this, here's what Doug was doing back in 2001.

I also remember him saying the very first version of Icicle Works had a full screen game window (Doug said Wide Screen Edition), but Commodore asked him to change it wink
Posted By

on 2003-06-11
 Re: What is the Best C16 - Plus4 game ?

Hi Guys,

Don't be surprised if you see the occasional post from me on this forum - I try to sneak a peek at it most weeks!! Glad you all liked Icicle Works. Personally I would have done a few things differently in that game, but since I was contracted by a third party to do the work I was under strict guidelines as to what the game should look and sound like. As you point out it was one of the first games for the platform, so I was scrabbling around in the dark trying to find out what it could do. Looking at the demos that the scene chaps keep churning out makes me realise that I barely scratched the surface on that little black box. I always thought that I got out of the 8-bit world too soon wink

Keep on hackin'!


PS - how do I get a logon to this site?
Posted By

on 2003-06-11
 Re: Login

You would need two things: a handle (username) and an email address. The email address will show up as person (at) domain (dot) com for normal visitors, so hopefully it won't get spammed. (Once you log in as a member, you will see them as they are.) Please let me know what handle/email address you want to use, either by posting here or emailing me. happy
Posted By

on 2003-06-18
 Re: What is the Best C16 - Plus4 game ?

I remember that TIMESLIP is very original, but does anybody know the aim of this game?! By the way, if my memory doesn't fail then ICICLE WORKS in the 80th was with a woman with umbrella in black clothes, but all PRG-files which I'd downloaded from this site show a man in brown... Can anybody help with this?
Posted By

on 2003-06-18
 Re: What is the Best C16 - Plus4 game ?

Time Slip. One of the most unique games on the C16/Plus4 and amazing at that!

You have to destroy all the orbs in each time zones, 36 in all. Once the set amount of orbs have been destroyed in any given time zones the time will set to 00:00. You have to synchronize all zones to 00:00 to complete the game.

Icicle Works is the original, or as the original should look with the other home made level releases we have. We even have a tape image of the original and the guy is correct. Any idea what game you might be mixing Icicle Works up with? happy
Posted By

on 2003-07-02
 Re: What is the Best C16 - Plus4 game ?

Is Icicle Works any end of game show?
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on 2003-07-02
 Re: icicle works

Well, Mr. Turner! If you feel like this, why not writing a new game for the +4? happy

Speaking for myself (but being confident that it isalso the opinion of all the others on this forum) I would not come to work for a week if you would have another release for our beloved machine! (I would just play... happy ) Nice dream.

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