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Posted By

on 2012-03-22
 Missing Armati Releases

I was just flicking through ebay and found what are maybe a couple of missing Armati releases. Going by the product codes, it seems that many on the Armati database here are still yet to be discovered whatever they are.

Anyway, here's what I found.

Grand Prix - CM039
Possibly Formula 1 Simulator?

Winter Games - CM048
Could this be Winter Events which is listed here without the product code, or maybe Winter Olympics?

There's a few more on his sellers page which are listed on the database here. All of them show photos of the cover and cassette which I've noticed are not on the database.

Posted By

on 2012-03-22
 Re: Missing Armati Releases

Nice find! But hey terrible prices oh! :o
I've taken the boxes'pics for us, with some hazardous assumptions which are only needed to store those stuff, with precious data, and, eventually, fix'em in the future.

Posted By

on 2012-03-23
 Re: Missing Armati Releases

Nice. It's always worth checking ebay for rarities and it's even nicer to find lost software. I usually check worldwide for better results, and not just the UK hence the find happy

Pretty expensive I agree. However they are rarities (although bootlegs) and it doesn't break the bank. I've seen more common releases on the C64 demanding truly really ridiculous prices.

Posted By

on 2012-03-24
 Re: Missing Armati Releases

so, who is going to save them?

Posted By

on 2012-03-24
 Re: Missing Armati Releases

I would if I had the spare cash. but atm I'm trying to get rid of stuff instead of accumulating as I'm planning on moving abroad eventually, although I plan on my C16 coming with me. I guess I just like looking atm out of old habit lol.

I'm about 98% certain that Grand Prix is likely Formula 1 Simulator. I emailed the seller about it last night, so far no reply. Maybe he's just a retro-seller and never owned a C16 or plussy.

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