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on 2012-02-10
 Commodore Free issue 58 available (fwd)

---------------- Original Message ----------------
Subject: COMMODORE FREE issue 58
From: nigel parker
Date: Thu, February 9, 2012 5:05 am

Commodore Free Magazine

Issue 58

Free to download magazine
dedicated to Commodore computers
Available as PDF, ePUB, MOBI, HTML,
TXT, SEQ and D64 disk image


* Editorial
- Aminet turned 20
- "... on the Edge" eBook change
- AmigaOS 4.1 Update 4 Released
- C64anabalt Cartridge Available!
- 1541 Ultimate I & II Update 2.4
- Cracker's Map
- Bil Herd Speaks To Fresno UG
- 2012 C64-RetroInvaders calendar
- Commodore Plus 4 SID Card
- mind.in.a.box
- Prince of Persia - Total Pack
- Rear Admiral ThunderDrive
- Megabit ROM Returns
- uIEC Manager for GEOS
- Commodore Programming Blog
- Just Dance C64 Demo
- UFO Defence
- Doom 3 Open Source
* Commodore 64 Assembler Tutorial
* Review: The Last VIC
* 1541 Disk Recovery
* Book Review: Run/Stop-Restore


Nigel Parker
Commodore Free Magazine
Commodore Computer club U.k.

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